-not everybody flipped-

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Your pov

I don't know how long I sat like that, holding back tears when I looked up as the door creaked open. The girl Uraraka was standing there, arms stretched out holding the clothes. I stood up and she straightened her posture as if I would hurt her for looking at me wrong. She shut the door with her foot. "You can relax ura. I'm not my... I'm not that" I hissed in pain again. "Can't even disrespect him can I..." she set the clothes down and walked to me.

"Your just like her..." she mutters causing me to look at her but her eyes didn't meet mine. "Except your hair isn't her bright vibrant green. She had these cheerful and caring eyes big and beautiful. Even sir respected her. Everybody did, even stain did."  I smiled slightly.

"She sounds like a real hero, a nice person." she nods touching your hair.

"Ya, she was like a sister to me. Even though she wasn't too well off with money she made an effort to help me the best she could... she didn't mean to kill all for one... todoroki had gotten in the way so she had to move and the angle she hit him... it killed him. Then with no warning months later" she teared up. "Hell broke loose, her brother killed her. He acts like it was no big deal but that day... he fell to his knees holding onto her trying to get her to breathe again. Hed just snapped. And bakugo snapped at that moment the villain shigiraki was killed by him as he broke down. From there izuku begins to take over" you nod and lean your head back.

"In my world, he was the one who left me behind. We were always the quirkless twins. Nobody really cared to learn our names since we never broke from each other's sides. But one day he... he didn't even ask me to come with him. I had no idea where he went but the second he came back he was worn out. I learned he had been accepted into our dream school later when the letter came in. I suppose that day would be different if I switched places with him here?" she nodded.

"Well before bakugo comes back you should change... so he doesn't get pissed off.'' I nodded before looking at her. "oh and (y/n)... don't trust the words that spill from izuku. most of us who were present at her death... we know something but these" she holds up her wrist the same kind of device around her wrist. "prevent us from talking about the details that are missing. izuku knows something he's not letting on."

"Is Iida" she turned to me, shaking her head. And I stopped.

"Heh, tenya... he's alive like me stuck unable to do anything. (y/n) if for some reason you find you have the same quirk izuku has here, please... save us?" I smiled.

"If I can be a hero here... gladly" she stepped outside the room and I smiled not everybody here had swapped personalities. If I ever get home i'll make sure to tell izuku how glad I am he's a hero.

I looked at the outfits and just stared for a while. I started to mix and match certain parts of the outfit, disgusted by what he had picked out, nothing was appropriate. I continued to mix and match trying to find something that didn't have huge cleavage or something that wasn't so tight on the bottom or short.

"Something wrong princess?" I flinched not turning around feeling his hands over my sides "you should hurry or I might just take you out like this" he growled lowly in my ear reflexively I went to hit him before I could land a hit the same pain from before hit my body causing me to whimper he snickered. "Your such a handful love"

"I don't like them" he looked at me before his arm wrapped around my waist again.

"A little louder princess I couldn't hear" he snarled and I got a boost of confidence.

"I said, I don't like katsuki! I don't like it!" His hand grabbed my throat harshly and I started to struggle against him.

"And I don't care what you like at the moment princess. You put on what I want, understand ''I nodded quickly as he let go. I coughed gasping for air. He sat in the armchair watching me.

"C-could you-?" he rolled his eyes to me before smirking.

"Look away from what's mine? I'll see you all eventually" he hummed causing me to blush slightly.

"K-katsuki! You perv... please just for a moment then you can see ok!" I smiled for a moment, forgetting who I was talking to.

He stared at me before looking away "tch, whatever dumbass' 'I chuckled lightly as I changed looking in the mirror at the last articles of clothing that had been in the pile. I gasped taking a spin.

"The fuck... this is the outfit... katsuki got me as a joke" the shirt was a cropped top that fit me perfectly. It fastened over my chest like one of those front strapped bras but over the side. The pair of denim shorts fit my shape just as perfectly. I touched my neck and looked back.

"I take it you like it? Be lucky I'm allowing your hands to touch it... she and I picked it up the week before the camp thing happened" my jaw dropped as I backed up.

"It's the same thing you got me... before the camp... I hate this... everything I fucking find here I recognize! The way your fucking possessive it's on a lower scale but your like that back home too! You give everybody even strangers that damn glare when they look at me! I can't stand it! I'M NOT HER! THIS IS WRONG! I'M NOT GOING TO BE HER REPLACEMENT!" I slammed my fists into the mirror and it shattered. I looked back to katsuki and he was tapping his foot impatiently.

"Don't toss the tantrum princess. I really hate when-" I glared and cut him off

"Hate seeing me pissed off because none of you-" I winced and grabbed the collar Katsuki sighed walking over to me, his arm wrapped around me pulling my body to his. He lifted my chin bringing my lips to his. I shook my head as he crashed into mine. After a moment he pulled away, licking his lips.

"You're much more attractive when you shut up and kiss me, princess. Now come on it's time to show you around. We're going for a nice walk. Id have to keep you on a leash to walk nicely next to me"

I looked to the floor and nodded. Still too shocked to do anything. How do I admit I liked that? The way he just forced it... it sounds so messed up but it felt so natural so amazing? He led me out and I followed him.

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