-Event pt 4-

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The doors opened again... a rattle of chains masked soldiers in armor walking in and shoving someone to the ground. Izuku stood "now let the fun start shall we!?"

I stared in confusion as bakugo made fists with his hands. "Deku... can she leave now" he turned with a nasty smirk to katsuki.

"Of course not kacchan!" he growled.

"Izuku..." he snarled and izuku's eyes darkened.

"Kacchan, you're getting close to making a mistake" he snarled his eyes narrowing giving off an intense look towards Katsuki making him freeze.

"Whatever you damn nerd... if she hates us after this it's on you deku" he snails, confusing me more.

"What's going on?" I whispered and Katsuki pointed to the person who had been shoved to the floor.

"Just watch!" He mumbled and I nodded nervously.

"Alright take the mask off, let's see the traitor!" he hummed. "It's such a shame dont you think how there are still heroes who attempt to take me down! It's fucking impossible to do!" he laughed obviously pissed off. "You know what in honor of this hero why don't we bring out the other to be executed! Today is a special day!" he laughed and the word execution stood out and I flinched.

The hero was unmasked and I recognized them... the tired expression of long black hair. "Fuck you midoriya izuku," he mumbled his face was badly beaten in. he looked over to me and I couldn't meet his gaze but his eyes widened in surprise. Izuku noticed and walked over to me wrapping his arms around me.

"Ahh, has word not gotten out to the rebellion yet Aizawa? This here is my new sister! Isn't it just amazing what quirks can do! I had somebody with a dimension quirk pull her here! That is before I killed them! So now she's here forever as my sibling again! How does it feel to see so many of your students fall to be villains in your eyes!" he laughed again I was terrified.... I hadn't seen this side of him yet. Izuku sat back down as another was pushed down to the floor. Aizawa glared at the four of us when the mask's hood was removed from the other one.

It was a kid... probably no older than 13. I flinched. Izuku looked around the room. "Does anybody want to stand to defend them and risk death by affiliation?" nobody stood up or said anything. "Well then we list the crimes against them." katsuki looked away from what was going on. Todoroki stood with a screen and began to read.

"Before us was a member of the rebellion, Aizawa Shouta once a teacher for many of those who are here today. He is found guilty of treason against Izuku and the others who are loyal by affiliation with the heroes who still try to stop us. His punishment is death in whatever way chosen by whoever's turn it may be to end the final blow. In this case, it is Izuku's turn. The child is convicted of affiliation with the pro hero, a mere servant raised here within our walls. She is guilty of stealing important documents such as plans and the quirk records of every member of the higher ranks and handing them over to this hero who was caught receiving them in the town. Their killer will be bakugo as his turn is after midoriya. Would you like to say some final words?"

The girl lifted her head with tears. "THIS ISN'T FAIR AT ALL! You killed my mother and my father because they did whatever they needed to do so my siblings and I didn't have to go hungry! You heartless monsters!" I bit my lip and shook my head...

"She's only 13... please... izuku please don't do it..." I muttered and he smirked.

"Aizawa" he hummed and the teacher looked at him.

"I hope the day you die is painful as hell, I hope you burn in hell... your sister had the right idea to hate you... you're a monster. And you... you're no better than him if you sit there acting pretty or are like him in your world" he snarled. I snapped my head to him and shook my head.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted, running my hands through my hair covering my eyes. "Why can't you just leave them be izuku... she's a damn child... at least let the child live" I pleaded and I heard him lick his tongue disapprovingly.

"How to kill him..." he muttered before smirking "oh shoto, I want her watching. And kacchan you will do it or I will deliver consequences that are understood ''I heard softly.

"Ya whatever fuck off: from katsuki before my hands were forced away from my eyes and I was forced to look at them. I couldn't look away.

"Now then let's have a little fun!" Izku giggled jumping down to Aizawa. His hand formed a knife from mist before he stuck it into the man's shoulder and made another sticking it into his other shoulder. I flinched. Aizawa didn't flinch though. Refusing to give him satisfaction. Izuku must have activated another quirk as he moved over to his leg and stepped on it. I heard the snap. Aizawa managed to keep his mouth shut. Annoyed izuku grabbed his hair and smashed it against the floor. Blood ran down his forehead. I was starting to hyperventilate. I wasn't good with things that got to gruesome. Izuku lifted him by the neck, throwing him back before using a quirk. Finally, the sound of a large scream filled the room as his body spasmed over and over until it stopped. "Now just to make sure" izuku hummed and grabbed one of the knives and slit his throat. It went everywhere and izuku chuckled. "That was blissful!" he hummed "kacchan your turn!" he called and felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to scream but Todoroki was holding my chin so roughly I couldn't move it. Katsuki's expression went emotionless for a moment before looking at the girl. He didn't even stand up but held his hand out.

"Alright fuck you deku but I need a gun" izuku pouted.

"No fun kacchan but killer gets to choose here" he walked over to momo and she created one handing it to him. He tossed it to katsuki. He loaded it, turning the safety off. The emotionless expression changed as he stared he smirked, licking his lips.

"You get your fun torturing them to no end, I like it quick silent yet messy. Can't use the normal method though wouldn't want to upset your stomach too much princess" it was like he had changed in a matter of moments flipped completely. He raised and pointed the gun. "Afterall using my quirk to kill does often make them go everywhere. It's quite delightful to watch but a little messy and gruesome for somebody so innocent as you to see." he hummed before pulling the trigger one gunshot to the base of the leg another to the other leg then higher up on the thing the shoulder the arms and the finally the hands he blew on the top of the gun sitting and watching the girl scream with tears for help. That was my last nerve. I hurled, unable to take it. Todoroki let go.

"Disgusting!" he hissed and I shook my head letting tears flow breaking down into hysterics. The girl moved and katsuki hissed.

"Still fucking alive?" he rolled his eyes and aimed for the forehead. The shot went off and all the movement stopped. The room's floor was coated with blood.

"You really are a messy kacchan," Izuku laughed and Todoroki sighed.

"Now I do wish there was another one... pity,'' he muttered, and izuku motions him to his lap.

"Next time sho" he hummed. I stood up horrified before turning to face them shaking my head.

"... I hate you... I hate you... I hate you... god, damn it... a kid! They didn't deserve death! You're all sick! I'd rather die than have to live through another day with you three... monsters. I don't know why I thought it wouldn't be that bad... bakugo... I trusted you!... I thought we could get along here izuku... but it's not gonna happen. '' I hissed and Katsuki rolled his eyes. Looking at me.

"Calm down princess, it's just a life. Means nothing" I glared.

"MEANS NOTHING! IS THAT WHAT LIFE IS TO YOU NOW! NOTHING! YOUR NOT GODS YOU SHOULDN'T GET TO SAY WHO LIVES OR DIES" I screamed grabbing my skirt and running katsuki went to chase after me but izuku stopped him.

"Kacchan, leave her be for a moment... we know what that look in her eyes can mean. Not only that but I don't want you to accidentally break her mind with a fit you toss over the harsh words. I know how you work kacchan... you're upset and not in a normal mind-set let her get over herself. See her in the morning" that's the last thing I heard before rushing to my room and locking it.

-yup I know I'm evil...-


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