-Cherry Blossom-

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When I finally decided to open my eyes and start the day, uraraka was bringing in a tray of food. "Morning (y/n) I hope I didn't wake you.'' I smiled kindly, shaking my head looking at the small clock.

"No I've been awake just didn't want to get up." she nodded, setting the tray down. "Hey ura... do you have a moment? Can we talk a little?" she nodded.

"Izuku assigned me to look after you at least for now my entire day is to be at your side every day to tend to your every beck and call (y/n)" she smiled but I could see she didn't want this. Out of everybody back home I knew her the best. She and Iida were always together when nii-san brought me along with him to go places.

"O-ok..." I paused not sure what to say but I looked at the food I normally would never skip meals but it just wasn't right... it felt so wrong. There was no laughter. I wasn't walking from my room to the heavenly smell of my mother's cooking. I wasn't getting ready in my uniform for high school general education classes. "d-do you think I might get home?" She took a seat in the chair that was in front of a large desk after spinning the chair to face me.

"I know you will. Your friends... and family are all probably worried sick looking for you. I'm sure there will be a way to get you where you belong.'' I smiled lightly looking through the one singular window.

"Not many of you want this, do you. I know just by looking at you... you want to be free doing what you want" she giggled slightly and nodded.

"Yeah it's a silly dream since my quirk according to them will come into use eventually plus I have my combat experience. Freedom from being nothing but... well, I guess a servant it's not possible for me." she stood up "well we should get you ready for the day! Go ahead and pick something from the closet" she said, giving me a smile.

I sighed opening the closet, my jaw dropped at the sight of so much. "Oh um ok... I've never owned so much" you chuckled scanning through outfits you moved to the dresser and found a pair of jeans. "This will have to do" I hummed looking for a shirt. I settled on the least revealing top, a crop top with off-shoulder sleeves.

"I'll be outside the room while you change" ura hummed and I smiled as she moved out the door when I finished I opened the door and she smiled holding it open for me to exit.

"Am I allowed to walk around?" I asked and she nodded.

"You can't leave even if you tried... for starters, you don't have a quirk, and second, even if you did you'd be out cold before you could get very far. The collar around your neck sends signals to your brain causing immense pain as if bricks were crushing every muscle in your body so eventually you would be unable to move from the pain." she sounded a little sad and I nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind" I chuckled and she nodded as I started to walk around the halls. She would warn me here and there to move in a different direction to avoid certain halls. I kind of understand how this worked. My brother was sort of like a king. Bakugo was like his left-hand man, his advisor. And Todoroki his queen but male. Then the others like momo Jiro and kaminari are part of his court system. That makes me sorta like the princess I guess. It was easy to pick up on how whenever I saw somebody and our eyes locked they would show respect in some way standing a bit straighter bowing their head. I hated it.

"Figured it out already?" I heard her hum as she walked a step or two behind me. I guess she could tell by the way I was looking at others.

"Heh, ya I guess I have. It's weird" she smiled placing her hands together like she would if she was about to use her quirk but she wasn't.

"You'll get used to it I'm sure! Just as we all have to get used to seeing you!" I chuckled at her optimistic glee. She was always like this even at home. She smiled and acted happy all the time.

After a bit we came across a large field of green it was beautiful. I recognized the place I walked over to where trees started. She followed me, looking slightly nervous. "We should turn around. They really don't like others coming around here" by which I knew she meant my brother and the other two.

"He wont find out just a little further I... I want to know if our world is more similar than I think it is. If everything else is the same except me and izuku." she nodded I guess she couldn't really say anything else after a while the trees began to clear and my eyes found it. A single tree in the middle of the clearing. A cherry blossom tree is the only one in the large area that surrounds this clearing. Just as I had expected, stones surrounded the tree and each one painted a different color. I knelt next to the tree looking through the rocks until I found it. Exactly the same as how I made it. The date was even the same just a summer ago. "How long ago did this world die?" she looked to the ground and shakily looked at me.

"Almost three years ago... we shouldn't be here. If he finds us he's not going to be happy he doesn't like when others meddle around here. None of them do" I shrugged her off.

"I know but... this is my handwriting! There is no denying this! I made this... more she did! The date is about a year back! We were all here all of us. Aizawa sensei all might even be nezu. We all made rocks to celebrate getting through the first year after everything that class went through that year!" my hands moved to the front and I grabbed a vibrant green rock. "Even he is here!" I shouted, feeling tears well in my eye. I looked up at the tree initials of couples that were signed there Katsuki and I were carved even izuku and todoroki. The date underneath. I looked to her and she looked like she was going to pass out from fear.

"Please... Mrs we need to leave here" I shook my head and continued looking around.

"We. are. Not. leaving!" I hissed, giving her that silent yet deadly glare I give when I'm either super upset or hella pissed. My hand slid across the trees in the clearing. "A crossover spot. This shouldn't exist in your timeline. I died before creating that stone here." I hissed and she flinched. My eyes softened before I heard a low hiss.

"You should listen more often, love" I turned around glared.

"You, get me home now! Get it through your skull, I'm not your version of her! She's dead. Gone! She was kind, perfectly innocent like the izuku of my world. But this me the me I am is none of those things. I'm the type to stab her friends in the back to bully her brother because she wanted to be with her childhood friends that I gave up on my dreams a long time ago. I am nearly there to support my brother to try and fix the shit I put him through as kids.''He walked to me and scowled, his mouth curled into that angered snarl. The piercing look I'd gotten so used to over the years of knowing him. Ura looked petrified to be near him hanging her head low. Yet just as I would, I stood my ground sending the exact look to him.

"You really are a brat. I much prefer the quiet timid version of you. So much less annoying. You can leave and never return to this spot and learn to be a good little bitch or we do this the hard way princess. You belong to me and it will stay that way. You will never end up home. One way or another you will snap." he growled at me grabbing my wrist. It hurt like crazy and I growled raising my other hand and hitting him across the face.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I shrieked as a branch snapped from a tree more and more until sticks and stones floated in the air. He growled, shoving me down and I hissed.

"YOU QUIRKLESS BRAT!" he snarled, rubbing his cheek where I had hit him. He looked around then to ura who stood shaking and holding onto herself. "You, are you bypassing that damn wrist band you servant bitch?" she shook her head over and over. He looked at me again and I spat at him.

"He grabbed me by the neck picking me up from the ground. I clawed at his hand. I looked at Ura and she locked eyes with my eyes for a moment before going back to staring at the ground. It took a few moments before I blacked out from the lack of oxygen...

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