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I sat looking out through the small window sketching in a journal ura had gotten for me. Sometimes I wonder what it would take to escape... I could slide out of the window its large enough for me to do so. If I did, however... id fall to my death with how high the window is up from the ground. It's been more than a few more months since I was in my world... I'm beginning to lose hope. I wonder if they are still looking for me trying to find where I could have gone. I leaned my head back on the side of the window cill closing the general. I brought my knees to my chest. The sun was setting on another day. I'd have dinner soon then head to bed. Only to wake up, eat breakfast, and spend the day doing the same things. I'll either be forced to spend the day with him or I'll stay in my room keeping to myself. Maybe i'll take a trip to the gardens. The door opened and I turned my head slowly expecting to see ura. I smiled.

"Happy to see me?" I immediately dropped my smile.

"Katsuki..." I looked behind him, not seeing ura I became worried.

"Come on you having dinner with us tonight." he sighed, tapping his foot impatiently. "The damn deku want you to get acquainted with the rest of the fucking court.'' I sighed standing up. He shoved a dress to my chest when I walked to him. Without a word, he slipped out of the room.

"Tch,'' I clicked my tongue slipping on the orange and black themed dress. I almost laughed. "Really? Couldn't be more obvious katsuki" I took a spin in it looking around at how I looked. It was modest at least. Not too flashy yet still looked fancy. 

I opened the door and he looked me up and down before sighing. "You're going to be in a room full of people who don't hesitate to kill you. They were her friends and unlike Deku, half n half, and I didn't want another version of her showing up. Others blame her for what's going on. The ones who joined and are seated at the table hate her. They really do after they found out she knew the whole fucking time who she was what her brother was. So keep your mouth fucking shut unless your asked a question and play it smart. Don't respond to the sleep-deprived shit, and don't be disrespectful" he warned and I rolled my eyes as he started walking. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Why didn't you give me something... more revealing like most of the shit in my wardrobe" he didn't look back at me keeping his gaze forward.

"Because I know you don't like showing off... don't take it as kindness alright, you are less rebellious when you have shit you want." he was calm... no that wasn't it. His arm around my waist tightly like this the way he wasn't glaring at everybody around us who looked at me with interest... he was nervous?

When we reached the dining hall the doors were opened by a well-dressed ura and somebody else I didn't recognize. My nerves went through the roof when my gaze hit the surroundings. Everybody was at attention. Izuku sat at the head of the table. His chair was larger than all the others. Two smaller yet larger than the rest were at the other sides. An orange chair and a red and white one on the other side of the large green chair. I saw todoroki in his seat and izuku in his. Katsuki closed the arm around my waist tighter. Bringing me closer to mine. There were so many familiar faces yet they all looked at me with a want to tear me to shreds. I tried to put on a confident pose. He led me to his seat. There was one similar size next to his empty one for me.

"Well now that everybody is here why don't we dig in?" I looked up to see Izuku speaking. His eyes glowed slightly as a glass floated to the air slowly. Another of his quirks I assumed.

"Tch, still don't get the point of making us all come here deku?" bakugo said so casually even though he seemed nervous. He even kept a hand on my thigh... I didn't mind it since it was just there.

"Oh kacchan, we want her to get comfortable and acquainted with the others. It's rude not to share her you know." katsuki turned to glare to him

"Fuck you deku, you know I dont like sharing things that belong to me" izuku chuckled.

"Not share her as a person bakugo, more get the others to know her and her to know them," Todoroki said swishing a glass of something red before taking a sip.

"I'm not an idiot half and half. I know what he fucking meant" katsuki snarled causing todoroki to glare.

"Now, let's not fight," Izuku hummed, sending a cold gaze to the two. Both shut up leaning back relaxed. "Now that you've both shut up shall we begin?" they both nod. And he points to kaminari. "While we all know she knows us all, she doesn't really. As you all don't really know her. Let's get everybody over the grudges against my other world twin!" izuku hummed taking a sip from the glass before setting it down.

"She looks like her but doesn't really act like her. Well, I'm sure you know my name. I rank the highest at this table. Under those three of course." I started to think he was really different from the kaminari I knew. He sat across from me. And next to him... shinso.

"Immediately after Denki, that's all you need to know." he sounded so... tired. Slowly everybody gave me their ranks. There were only 6 others aside from my brother Katsuki and todoroki. Denki seated the highest then shinso mina and Kirishima and under them momo and Jiro.

-to be continued in the next chapter... otherwise, this would have been over 2,000 words... :) -

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