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I rushed to my room. I slammed my hand against the desk, swiping it across, sending everything off the desk. My breath was heavily filled with anger and resentment towards them. I broke the glass that kept my pencils when it hit the ground. I didn't care to pick it up. "I hate them!" I hissed sorta shouting as I ran my hand through my hair. I walked in circles pacing around trying to calm down but I couldn't. The door to my room rattled for a moment before I heard the click of the door and the creak of it opening. My body quickly made a sharp turn to face whatever was in the doorway. "Uraraka" I hissed and she was shaking badly.

"A-are you ok?" she murmured. I took a moment to process what she had just asked.

"Am I? Am I fucking ok?! DID YOU REALLY JUST ASK IF I'M OK! NO IM Not!" I screamed and she shook more her eyes and tried meeting mine before falling to the floor. I took a deep breath "first against my fucking will I'm taken from my fucking home to this messed up hell. I'm told to behave and mold to something I'm not! I'm tricked and used. I'm betrayed over and over. So why the fuck would I be ok?" I hissed and she shrugged.

"I... do you want to talk about it" my lips rose to a snarl my eyes turning into a cold dagger-like gaze.

"Get. out" I hissed and she stood still unmoving. "I said-" she fumbled with her hands before interrupting me.

"I know what you said... but I'm not moving," I chuckled. The snarl switched to a smirk. I walked closer to her... my body hurt for a moment before a flash of red from the thing around my wrist before it dropped to the floor with a loud clunk. Something came over me at that moment. I grabbed her throat tightly and forced her to look at me.

"Get out" I hissed before dropping her shaking terrified body and she gasped for air before running. I took a moment to connect to what I had just done before slamming my door shut. "DAMN IT!" I shouted. The glass on my nightstand shattered and I shook my head before sliding into the bed and curling up on myself. "Fuck this hell" I felt the tears start to finally fall completely.


Katsuki pov

I walked off to my room tossing papers off my desk. "DAMN IT DEKU!" I shouted, kicking the wall. Small explosions popped from my hands. A natural reaction I've always had to being this frustrated and angry. Unable to focus on anything I called up Uraraka to send somebody to calm her down or at least let her cope. I sat on my bed trying to get out of the killing mood I was in. I hated it when I got like this when my senses just snapped and I became that monster I was called back when I was trying to be a hero. She broke me out of this slowly letting me open up again. "Look at me... pathetic" I hissed, setting my head into my hands.

It didn't take long for me to hear the frantic footsteps down the hall heading towards Deku's room. I looked out, seeing Uraraka about to run past my room. I grabbed her arm before she could. I knew well enough she was ratting someone out. She's a bitch like that now. "Spill" I hissed she was already badly shaking and terrified hanging her head.

"(y/n)... she tried... She almost" tears started to break from her eyes.

"What! Damnit what!" I hissed letting go off her. I was cruel but she was terrified beyond anything I've ever seen her get around deku.

"Grabbed me... my throat... couldn't breathe... red.." she shook shutting her eyes "red eyes... the restraint fell off her wrist" she muttered.

"Leave her alone... shes fucking pissed" I hissed ignoring the remarks she made. "Go to deku and i'll personally kill you" I growled and she nodded running off.


Your pov-

I didn't feel like getting up today, I just kept laying in bed the night before and it was distant and foggy. My head was killing me though. I continued to lay there until I felt like waiting next to me. "You plan on getting up?" I sat straight up before shoving him.

"I'm not in the mood bakugo, go away unless its to take me home fuck off you manipulative bitch" he slightly snarled but masked it quickly trying to make it so I didn't notice how my words hurt.

"Still upset over that? Too bad I wanted to continue" he hummed and I almost gagged.

"Go find a doll to mess up than bakugo, that's what you do, isn't it? Use them like a to until they break. When they do you kill them. Was that what I am? Do you make them all feel loved and fall in love only to break their heart?" he growled.

"Shame you think so low of me princess... I did fall... fall for you. So stop being a bitch and get over it. Lives end all the time around here. Get used to it already" just like last night I growled my mouth lifting to a large snarl as I put both my hands to his chest and shoved him as hard as I could.

"SHUT UP! You want me to become numb to this! To be able to kill! I'm merely a damn experiment, merely a replacement and disposable. Life is life it shouldn't be tossed around so much!" I shouted. "YOUR A MONSTER!" I screamed and one of my bulbs in a lamp popped, shattering. "WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE! FUCK YOU BAKUGO!" I shouted... I realized my mistake there as he stood up glaring. His eyes were no longer readable as he grabbed my arm before I could react. He pushed me down onto the mattress underneath him. I hissed before something clicked around my wrist. I relaxed quickly.

He leaned to my ear with a smirk "You should watch your words, princess. You seem to forget who you belong to " I shivered his warm breath hitting my ear. "The thing around your wrist princess, it's another quirk nullifier. I also administered a small drug, messing with your emotions for a bit. You're probably super calm all of a sudden, aren't you? A little scared, weirdly happy, maybe even a bit submissive?" I shook my head as he slowly left kisses down my jawline. I shivered.

"Bakugo..." he snarled, grabbing my neck harshly though not tight enough

"Princess, what do I hate you calling me?" he snarled and I looked to the side.

"Katsuki... please stop it" I muttered and he chuckled. He was right. My emotions were all over the place but I wasn't upset or confused.

"Kacchan," I heard my brother's voice and Katsuki got off me letting me sit up before pulling me over his lap.

"What nerd" izuku looked to me ignoring katsuki.

"Huh, so that drug does work," I mumbled before walking closer,

"I'm sorry about that but you should know they deserved it. Please don't hate me (y/n) it's not very sister like to do that '' I hissed and spat at him.

"Fuck you" I mumbled but sounded more like a little kid who got caught doing something instead of angry.

"Adorable" he chuckled "we don't want to have to adjust your attitude so please try to get back to how you felt before this" with that bakugo set me on the bed and walked off with izuku.

.... sorry this one took longer than expected... I fell asleep in the middle of writing it Idk why I just passed out...

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