Broken Bottles: chapter 4

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"This year we are going to focus a lot on Shakespeare's works and essay writing to prepare you for college." Mrs. Anderson explained to the class.

It was eighth period on a Friday, so everyone in the class was already mentally checked out for the weekend, myself included.

"I always start the year off by reading Macbeth, but this year I want to try something new." She continued. I was only half listening to the words she was saying. My attention was focused on the bright green grass on the baseball fields outside the window.

A tap on my shoulder pulled me from my gazing. I turned towards Danny and saw him looking at me expectedly. He must've asked me something, but I didn't hear him, so I just gave him a confused look.

"Do you want to be partners?" He repeated.

"Partners for what?" I asked, completely lost.

"While you were daydreaming over there, Mrs. Anderson said our assignment is to read Macbeth with a partner and collaborate on review questions." Danny explained.

"For how long?" I questioned. I knew Macbeth was a play, so that meant it had to be pretty lengthy.

"We have three weeks to read, answer questions, review for the test, and write an essay about the main characters tragic flaw." Danny gave me the rundown of the assignment.

"That's a lot of work." I muttered.

"That's why she is letting us work in partners. So, want to be partners?" Danny circled back to his original question.

I glanced around the room and noticed everyone else was already sitting with desks pushed together in groups of two. Danny was the only person I knew in the class and at this point was really the only option left.

I looked back at Danny, "Sure."

"Great, but can we start on Monday? My brain can't take anymore thinking today."

"Yeah, I'm over today too." I agreed. Danny smiled at me and sat back in his chair. We then spent the rest of the class making small talk and pretending to work whenever Mrs. Anderson walked by our desks.


"Can we please get bumpers on lane six?" A lady asked me from the other side of the counter.

"Of course, I'll be right over." I answered. She gave me a toothy smile before turning on her heel and walking back to her kids.

I grabbed the pole we used to push up the lane bumpers from behind the counter and made my way over to lane six.

"Mom, I don't want the bumpers. Grandpa told me that was cheating." The young boy at the lane complained.

"I'm sorry Jake, but your sister needs them, so we are putting them up." The mother replied.

I hooked the bottom of the pole into the side of the bumper and pulled up. Both bumpers shot up with a loud clunk and clicked into place.

"Thank you." The mom said to me as I was leaving.

"You're welcome, ma'am."

I claimed my spot behind the counter and looked at all the people in the bowling alley. Saturday's are the busiest day of the week and almost all of the lanes were occupied.

"Why am I always the one stuck hosting the birthday parties?" Hannah, my coworker, questioned as she joined me behind the counter.

"Because you work best with kids." I replied.

"I told Linda I liked working the parties once and now that's all she has me do." Hannah put her head in her hands dramatically.

"How many do we have today?" I asked, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly.

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