Broken Bottles: chapter 13

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"I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't give you a refund after you already bowled." I said to the middle aged woman on the other side of the counter.

"This is outrageous. Our lane had so many problems that we constantly had to wait to be fixed. I shouldn't have to pay for bad service." She complained.

"I'm really sorry, but there is nothing I can do." I told her calmly.

"I would like to speak to your manger." She crossed her arms.

"Of course, I'll be right back." I left the grumpy lady at the counter and knocked on Linda's office door.

"Come in!" She called.

"There's a lady demanding a full refund for her games." I explained the situation.

"Did you tell her we don't give refunds?" She asked.

"Yes, but she won't take no for an answer and has asked to see you."

Linda put down her pen and took a deep breath before standing up.

"Wish me luck." She said as she left the office and made her way towards the front counter.

"Good luck." I called out.

I checked the clock on the wall and noticed I only had fifteen more minutes until the end of my shift. I was about to head over to the shoe area when my phone buzzed. I checked it and saw a text from Danny.

Hey, I'm on my way to the bowling alley now to pick you up after your shift.

I stared confused at my phone and typed back, Why?

I got a reply within seconds, Because we are hanging out at my house tonight, remember?

I told Danny earlier that I would come to his house after my shift, but that I might be a little late since I had to walk. The distance from the bowling alley to his house was shorter than the distance between my house and his, but it would still take about twenty minutes walking.

I can walk. I typed out.

I'm sure you can, but I'm already getting in my car and don't want my trip from my room to the driveway to be a waste. See you in fifteen. Danny texted.

I responded with a simple 'okay' and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Hey, Paxton, how has your shift been today?" Hannah asked, walking up to me. She was taking over for me after my shift.

"Busy." I replied.

"Well you will be free in ten minutes. I have to go get changed." She said and went in the direction of the locker room.

I spent the rest of my shift cleaning shoes and clocked out. I changed out of my uniform shirt and grabbed my book bag from my locker. I then said my goodbyes to Linda and Hannah before heading to the parking lot. I spotted Danny's car a few rows away and got in.

"Hey." He greeted.


"How was work?" He asked.

"Busy." I answered.

"Well, we are going to have a chill evening, so you can relax and have some fun for once." Danny pulled out of the parking lot.

"I have fun." I argued.

"Yeah, when you hang out with me." He retaliated.

"Okay, whatever." I let him win and leaned my head back on the seat rest.

We got to Danny's house in a few minutes and I noticed the driveway was void of cars.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

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