Broken Bottles: chapter 19

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"Wait, let's just talk about this like adul—." I tried to keep everyone calm, but dad was fuming.

"If that little piece of shit thinks he can steal one hundred dollars from me and not face consequences, he's got another thing coming." Dad cut me off. I could tell by the way he talked that he was still on his forced sobriety and was starting to lose it. The way his whole body shook was another sign. He was itching for a drink and I almost wished I didn't pour out all of the last of his beer the other night, because then maybe this conversation would happen differently.

"Look, he realizes how stupid it was to take your money, but he regrets it. Can't we all just move on now?" I knew it was a long shot of a request, but I had to try.

"This isn't the first time one of you have stolen from me! If you ask me, you've all had this coming." Dad pointed out.

I felt a little deflated, because he was right. I've been taking cash from my dad for as long as I can remember. I've just done it in tiny little increments, so there's no real harm. Sidney was reckless, took way more than he should've, and now we'll have to face dads wrath.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked.

"I want my money back, dipshit." My dad said.

"I don't just have one hundred dollars laying around to give you. With bills and groceries, money is tight." I explained.

"I don't fucking care! Either he gives me my money or I'll teach him a lesson until he does." Dad threateningly stepped closer with his eyes locked on Sidney. I immediately blocked Penny and Sidney from dad's view by stepping in between them.

"Give me my money or move." Dad growled at me. I shifted a little in my spot, but held my ground. There was no way I was going to let the man in front of me hurt my siblings.

"No. He made a mistake and he feels bad about it. Just leave it alone." I said.

"I'm down one hundred bucks! How else am I supposed to get that money back?"

"Maybe you should get off your lazy ass and get a job." Sidney remarked from behind me.

"Sidney!" Penny gasped in shock.

Dad's eyes grew dark and I knew he officially lost the small amount of sanity I had been previously talking too. He tried to lunge past me towards Sid, but I held him back. I wasn't strong enough to hold him off forever, but it didn't matter. It turned out he only cared about letting his anger out on someone and I was someone. He stepped away from me and before I could register what was happening, he drew his fist back and connected with my cheek. I stumbled back a little and didn't really feel the pain until a few seconds after the punch was delivered. He didn't give me time to retaliate before punching me again. This time his fist connected to my left temple and my eyes unfocused for a second. I could then barely make out Penny screaming my name over the high pitched ringing in my ears. Another blow to my stomach caused me to crumble to the floor. I wanted to get up and fight back, but the ringing in my ears and my pounding head made it impossible.

Upon seeing that I wasn't going to get back up, my dad gave me one final kick to the stomach with his foot and moved over to Penny and Sidney.

"No." I groaned out from the floor. He ignored me completely and I watched in horror as he got closer to Sidney with his fist raised.

"Wait!" Penny yelled, "Here, I have thirty dollars on me. Take it for now and we'll get you the rest soon. Just please leave."

Dad eyed the money in Penny's outstretched hands. His whole body was still twitching from lack of alcohol. He glared at Sidney before swiping the money from Penny's hands.

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