Broken Bottles: chapter 18

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"Sid, hurry up or you're going to miss the bus!" I yelled up to my brother. I was waiting in the living room with all my school items as Sidney was still upstairs. Penny took Polly and Sadie to the bus stop a few minutes ago after I said I would wait for Sidney to finish getting ready.

It's been two days since the money incident with dad and he hasn't come home. After his strange calmness that night, he left the next morning and hasn't reappeared yet. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly relieved, because as long as he's gone there's no chance of him losing it on us.

Sidney came running down the stairs a few seconds later with his book bag on. I was about to tell him to quickly get his shoes on, so we could go, but I noticed his feet were already covered.

"Where did you get those shoes?" I asked as I eyed the brand new expensive looking shoes on Sid's feet.

"Oh, um, they are my friends. He let me borrow them." He answered. His face was suddenly overcome with panic and I immediately could tell something was up.

"Why would you borrow shoes?" I understood borrowing headphones, a video game, or even clothes from a friend, but not shoes.

"I just asked to borrow them for the week and he said it was fine. Can we go now?" Sidney seemed anxious to leave.

"Who let you borrow them?" I questioned.

"Uh, Frankie."

"You don't sound too sure about that." I squinted my eyes at him, suspiciously.

"I am sure! Frankie let me borrow them for the week." Sidney said.

"Why are you lying to me?"

"What?" His eyes bugged out of his head, "I'm not lying!"

"Yes you are. Come on just tell me how you got them. Did you buy them?" I fought to keep my voice gentle, so there was a higher chance Sid would open up and tell me.

Sidney sighed in defeat before nodding his head, "Yeah, I bought them."

"Okay, why couldn't you just tell me that you bought them?" I asked.

"I thought you would be mad that I spent money on shoes instead of food or the bills." He confessed.

"Hey, it's your money. You can spend it however you want. I do wish you would put some money towards the family, but I know you have in the past. A little splurge doesn't hurt."

I'll admit I was kind of upset that Sidney was spending his money on new shoes instead of family needs, but he's only fourteen. Plus, I've spent my whole life providing for my siblings so they wouldn't have to worry about the money issues. I don't get the luxury of buying anything other than the essentials, but that doesn't mean my siblings can't every once in a while.

"Okay. Sorry I didn't just tell you right away."

"It's okay. Now hurry up before we miss the bus." I said. We then both collected the rest of our things and left the house. We got to the bus stop just as the bus was rolling up.


"Danny we need to actually work on Macbeth." I said between my labored breath.

Danny invited me over to his house after school to work on our English assignment. We only had a few more scenes left before we had to write the essay and take the test. Then we'd be done with the assignment completely. We only worked for a few minutes in his room before we got distracted. He rolled the desk chair I was sitting on to his bed and dumped me onto the soft sheets before attacking me with kisses.

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