Broken Bottles: chapter 14

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"Damn, I knew Kira had a nice house, but this is crazy." Hudson said from the passenger seat of Danny's car. He decided to come with us, because he didn't want to be stuck in the car with Kathrine and Ava as they talked about boys that would be at the party.

I was seated in the back, but I could still see the huge house in front of us. The yard was enormous, but the staple of the property was the big, brick house. Our city had people from all social classes and Kira's house proved she was one of highest rankings.

"Honestly, it looks like a house for a celebrity." Danny agreed. He parked a little away from the house due to the high number of cars already lining the driveway and street. It was getting dark, but based on the loud music coming from Kira's house, the party seemed to have been still in full motion.

I got out of the car and stood next to Danny. A high school party was not my scene at all, so I had no idea what to expect.

"Just relax." Danny whispered in my ear after he noticed my tenseness.

"You said tonight would be chill. This doesn't look chill." I whispered back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know there was a party tonight, but I promise it'll be fun." He said.

I looked into his eyes for a moment and was satisfied when they looked sincere. We eventually made it up to the house and the door was already open. Music and loud voices flooded out along with body heat.

"Should we wait for the others?" Danny stopped us before we entered.

"Hell no, they can meet us inside. I need a drink." Hudson answered and pushed his way inside.

Danny turned to face me, "Just stay close to me, okay?"

I nodded and followed him in the house. The temperature changed instantly and the air got thick with humidity from all the sweaty bodies. I didn't really take in my surroundings, because I was too focused on staying with Danny. He led the way until we entered the kitchen. It was slightly less crowded in there, so the air became more breathable.

Hudson was at the counter pouring drinks, so we joined him.

"I poured three, here." Hudson motioned to the three red solo cups in front of him. Danny picked one up and looked at the contents before taking a sip.

"That one is for you." Hudson nodded at the untouched cup and then at me.

"Dude, did you learn nothing from last time? He doesn't drink." Danny said.

Hudson slapped his palm to his forehead, "Shit, man, sorry I forgot."

"It's okay, just save it for one of the others." I yelled over the noise.

"Speaking of the others, there they are." Hudson pointed behind Danny and me.

"Kira's house is incredible!" Kathrine yelled once she got over to us.

"Yeah, are you sure you don't like her just for her money, Anthony?" Brian joked with his brother.

"No, I honestly didn't even know she lived here until tonight." Anthony responded. He sounded just as surprised at the massive house as the rest of us.

"Here, take this drink and then grow the balls to go talk to her." Hudson handed Anthony my unwanted drink.

Anthony took it without hesitation and downed the whole thing at once.

"Brian, come be my wing-man." Anthony said and started pulling Brian back towards the crowded living room.

"I never agreed to this!" Brian cried out as he was dragged away by his brother.

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