Broken Bottles: chapter 11

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I reached my hand into my book bag and gripped the wad of cash stored at the bottom. I let out a breath once I felt that it was still there. Carrying my money around in my book bag caused me to worry constantly, but I would rather have it with me than at home for my father to find. Especially, after the previous night.

Danny threw his book bag down at the desk beside me and took his seat. I quickly removed my hand from my bag and zipped it up.

"Hey." He greeted.


"Ready for the quiz?" He asked.

"Shit, I completely forgot." I groaned and rubbed my hands down my face.

"I literally reminded you just last night. Did the mushrooms on your pizza make you lose your memory?" Danny laughed, but I couldn't laugh with him.

"I'm going to fail miserably." I muttered.

"Hey, you read the scenes and answered the questions, so just try to go off what you remember. I'm sure you'll be fine." He tried to make me feel better.

The bell rang before I could reply and Mrs. Anderson started to pass out the quiz sheets. She slid one on my desk and I wrote my name on the top. I then read the first question and groaned, because I knew it was just going to get worse.

"Now that all the quizzes are turned in, you may talk quietly for the rest of the period. Now would be a good time for you get a head start on reading your next scenes." Mrs. Anderson said once the last quiz was handed in.

The classroom immediately erupted into chatter from all the different students.

"Do you work tonight?" Danny asked me.

"No, why?" I replied.

"Great, I don't either, so want to work on the assignment tonight at your place?"

At the mention of my house, I shuddered. After last night, bringing Danny over to the house was the worst idea ever.

"I can't do my house." I said.

"Oh, okay." Danny looked at me confused, but didn't say anything, "We can work at my place."

I thought his offer over. Penny wasn't working tonight and she could manage dinner and watching everyone. Plus, after last night I could use a few hours away from my house.

"Would it be okay with your parents and everything?" I asked.

"Yeah, totally. No one will be home until around dinner time anyway." Danny said.


We waited for the bell to ring and once it did we left the classroom with all the other students. On our way to the parking lot, I texted Penny saying I was going to a friends house to work on homework and that I would be home sometime later. Danny led me to his car and I climbed in the passengers seat as he got in the drivers side. He backed out of the spot and made his way onto the street. I noticed we were driving the opposite way of my house and into the nicer side of the city. By the time we pulled into a driveway, the houses had turned from small and close together to slightly bigger and farther apart. Each house had a nice size lawn and clean, not chipped house paint.

When I stepped out of the car, I realized how quiet the surroundings were. All that can be heard outside of my house are cars and highway traffic, but here the sounds that stood out were the birds chirping and one of Danny's neighbors mowing their grass.

I followed Danny up to the front door and watched him unlock it. The inside of his house felt cozy and smelled strongly of lavender.

"Your house is really nice." I observed.

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