Chapter 21: Rude Awakening

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"FUCKING SUMMER! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO HOT?!!" Lucy fanned herself while munching on the popsicles. Her happiness waned as the heat hit her. Accustomed with cool climate all their lives, this is the first time they felt the brunt of summer.

"I thought you were jumping around like crazy this morning, happy as hell." Alice giggled at the maknae.

"That was before I know that summer is hell! Della, can't the air-conditioning goes any lower?" She groaned.

"It's at 16°C already! How much lower do you want?!" Della getting annoyed by her whining.

"Shut up before I shove you into the freezer section in the fridge!" Rachel grunted, the heat finally gotten her too.

"Why the hell that out of seven of us, none has the power to produce ice or manipulate weather?" Emma sighed, opening another popsicles for herself.

"Says the Queen of Death." Monica chuckled, earning a glare from Emma.

"Calm down, all of you. The more you talk or move, the more the heat would affect you. We need to get our Zen, okay? Chill~~~" Lily laid on the floor, spread eagle.

Only three days into the summer, the sisters are already bored to their death. Idle are busy handling their own businesses while Mamamoo neck deep in their works. With no one to show them around or showing them how the teenagers supposed to spend their summer, the seven just scattered around the house doing nothing.

A notification beep came from Lucy's phone. She took it from the coffee table with her toes and flipped it in the air, catching it with her hand. It was a message from Wheein.

"Hmm?" Lucy frowned at what she saw on her phone.

"What is it?" Rachel peeked over Lucy, who had a puzzled look on her face.

"Wheein sent a file to me. It looked like case files." She showed it to the rest of them.

"Wow! The Bay of Viscera? Can't the name be any more grim?" Della chuckled as she scrolled through the screen. Emma's ears perked up when she heard the name. She quickly took the phone from Della, her face turned serious as she read through the file.

"Hey! I'm still reading that!" She hit Emma's shoulder, pouting in her seat.

"Emma, you heard about it?" Lily asked her.

"Yeah. It was the goriest case that ever happened here several years back. It was called The Bay of Viscera because everyone that died in that incident was killed with their bodies terribly mutilated. It was said no perfect corpse were ever recovered, making the identification process of the dead even ongoing till now. And from the look on this file it was an understatement. The bodies here were totally in pieces." She explained to them while reading the file.

"Yikes! Guess the case now fall under Hwasa's jurisdiction. But why would Wheein sent you that?" Monica asked Lucy, but she shrugged, having not a slightest idea why.

"Trent Choi? What he had to do with The Bay's case?" Emma muttered, trying to find the connection.

"Should we call Hwasa? Maybe she asked Wheein to give the file to us for a lookover." Alice flicked her AR, about to place the call, but Emma stopped her.

"No. Call Wheein instead. This is a classified file. Hwasa is by the book person. There is no way she would allow this. Wheein must've doing this on her own volition." Emma gave her reason.

"I'll do it. Emma, sent the file to our ARs." Lily quickly called Wheein to get clarification.

"Wheein, it's me Lily. Get somewhere private now. I need to talk to you." It took Wheein a couple of minutes before answering.

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