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No, no its not possible.

He cant have travelled back in time, its not realistic, but then again, neither is fighting teenagers in animal costumes for jewellery.
He decided that finding himself as a teen would be the best idea, he didn't know what else to do.
It was 12:00pm right now, so he would be at school, all he had to do was wait outside school until he came out.

He walked over to his school and stood outside, leaning against the wall and decided to check social media until school was over.

At the end of school
He looked up when the bell rang, and saw himself walking out of school with Emilie..Emilie.
No, this wasn't the time to get emotional, he needed to talk to himself and find out how to get back.
"Gabriel!" He shouted running towards himself, "wait!"

Past-Gabriel turned around at the sound of his name, and saw a man running towards him,
"Uh.. hi?"
"You have too believe me," said older Gabriel, "Emilie, could you leave for a second?"
She shrugged and walked off,
Older-Gabriel turned back to past-Gabriel and said,
"Im you from the future, I need your help,"
Past-Gabriel obviously thought he was crazy,
"Prove it," he said,
"Okay.. uhh.... you like to design, you love Emilie, you're an only child, you.."
"Okay okay thats enough," past-Gabriel said, "follow me,"
Past Gabriel walked behind the school trying to find a place they could talk alone, and Older Gabriel followed him.
Instead of finding privacy, they found two girls smoking, one had jet-black hair with a red streak, and the other had golden-brown eyes with purple hair. They were in typical 'bad girl' clothes.
Was that... Nathalie?! With Penny?!

"Nathalie?" Older Gabriel said,
"Who's this old man?" Nathalie said to Penny,
Penny shrugged, "No idea,"

Gabriel was surprised, was this real?
Is this really Nathalie? She does know Penny?!

"Nathalie, listen" Older Gabriel said, "I'm your boss in the future, and I need to get back to my time,"
"Likely story," said Nathalie, "You're probably just some weirdo tryna kidnap me,"
She turned to Penny, "Let's go,"
They began to walk away...

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