Back home! (Finally)

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(I noticed that when writing my books, I tend to try and finish it as quick as possible because I feel if I dont get chapters out quick enough, people will stop reading my things.
But now I realise the books are better when people put in more effort and add more detail, so I will definitely try and add more detail 😃 )


He quickly said goodbye to Child Nathalie and her mother before walking towards the butterfly, he would have to sneak up on it, he didn't want to lose this one and spend another ten minutes in the bushes.

He checked over his shoulder to make sure nobody was looking, and then quickly cupped it in his hands before hurrying over to Nathalie who was still looking through the trees and grass.

"Nathalie!" He called,

She turned around and noticed his cupped hand, her eyes lit up and she smiled a little before asking,

"Is that a butterfly?"

He nodded and she smiled properly,

"We cant make an akuma here, there are people everywhere," she said,

Looking around, Gabriel saw that the park was a lot more popular than in their time, and to be honest, it was probably his fault.
Akumas are becoming more and more dangerous, and people have stopped going out as much in fear of getting caught up in an attack.

Nathalie grabbed his wrist, and they hurried out of the park and into a secluded alleyway,

"I'll transform aswell," Nathalie told him, "What will people think if they see me and Hawkmoth appear out of thin air?"

They both said their transformation words, and Gabriel made the plain butterfly into an akuma, filling it with dark magic and turning it from white to purple.

"Ready?" Asked Hawkmoth,

"Ready as I'll ever be," Mayura replied,

Hawkmoth gripped her hand as he reached out to touch the butterfly that was under his control, he noticed that she squeezed his hand, obviously feeling his fear.
He didn't have the time to make a mistake, if this didn't work, he doesn't know what will.

He took a deep breath, and they both tapped the akuma, they were surrounded by darkness in an instant, and they became dizzy and weak at the knees.


Parisians all around wondered why there wasn't an akuma, it had been two weeks since one, and that was not normal.
Some hoped for the best, whereas others expected the worst, thinking that he was planning something bigger.

But nobody thought this would happen...

Ladybug and Chat Noir noticed that Parisians had began to panic about Hawkmoth being silent, some were worried there would be another heroes day all over again.
They had decided to make a speech from the Eiffel Tower, letting people know that whatever hawkmoth was planning, they could stop it together.

"So, we must all work together to stop Hawkmoth once and for all!" Ladybug was saying,

People gathered around the Eiffel tower cheered at their favourite heroine,

"Don't worry, whatever he's planning, we can stop it together!-" She began to say, but she was cut off by a flash of light right infront of her eyes.

A few seconds of her eyes adjusting to the light, she saw...

Hawkmoth and Mayura?!
Fall out of the sky?!

Her mouth dropped open as they landed on the floor with a thud,

"What in the world?" Chat Noir said,

Then, very slowly, Hawkmoth stood up, and reached out a hand for Mayura, pulling her to her feet.

Everyone watched with wide eyes as Mayura looked around at the people and the heroes, and smiled before saying something along the lines of,
"We're back!"

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