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"We'll need another one to go forward wont we?"

Hawkmoth stood for a second.. that was... perfect logic, how are they going to get back?!

He thought for a second more before he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned quickly and saw it was Mayura.
With a sigh of relief, he stood up and took in his surroundings, they were in an alleyway that was empty and quiet,

"What year is it?" He asked wearily,

Mayura destransformed and took her phone out of her pocket, the date read
April 19(??),

"Oh for gods sake," Nathalie sighed, "We've gone even further back than we were before,"

"Gabriel thought for a moment,
"Past - you helped me last time, so maybe you could again?"

Nathalie stared at him for a second, obviously doing the math inside of her head,
"Not possible, I would be seven,"

Gabriel muttered his detransformation words before walking out of the alleyway,
"How do we get back..?" He was saying to himself under his breath.


He turned around, he had almost forgotten about Nathalie,

"The butterflies in your lair are just normal butterflies right?"

He looked her in the eye, and instantly knew what she was thinking,

"If they're just normal butterflies, can't we just find one here?"

He grinned, of course the woman who he had picked for his personal assisstant would have great ideas, it was one of tye reasons he gave her the job.
They would have to stay out of peoples way, they didn't want to draw attention to themselves.

He grabbed Nathalies arm before pulling her towards the park, there's always butterflies at the park.

At the park

They had split up, that way it was easier to find and capture a butterfly, Nathalie had gone to one side of the park, whilst Gabriel had gone to the other.

He was digging through the bushes, looking for a butterfly that had maybe gone to sit on a flower, when he felt a tug on his trousers, he turned around thinking Nathalie had found a butterfly, but nothing was there.
He felt another tug and looked down, and that was when he saw a little girl, up to his knees, and she was staring up at him with her arms outstretched, he paused for a second, he knew those eyes.

Nathalie. The eyes, the hair, it was obvious.

She began to bounce up and down, hands opening and closing, she obviously wanted to be picked up.
He bent down and picked her up, then he walked towards the fountain in the middle of the park, he had to find her guardian.

He was walking around when he heard someone shouting,

He looked towards the voice and saw a panicked woman, frantically running around.

He walked towards her,
"Ma'am? Is this your daughter?"

She turned to him and took her out of his arms,
" Oh thank you!" She said happily,

He smiled and noticed something behind the woman's head,

He knew what it was, a butterfly.


As I've mentioned before, most of the stories are just thoughts from 4 am so if anything weird happens it's because I was tired. These stories are mostly from my sleep deprived brain in the middle of the night so I get lots of ideas and have to find a way to put them into my stories without making it abrupt, sorry about that! 😊

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