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"Duusu, Spread my feathers!"

Everyone in the room could only stare as Future-Nathalie transformed back into Mayura, and Nathalie's Father said,
"What are you?"

Nathalie looked him straight in the eye and replied in a cold, steely tone,
"Hm, you could say I'm a.... monster?
Just. Like. You."

Okay, Gabriel had to admit, that was pretty badass, especially when her Father's jaw dropped again,

"Gabriel, transform, I have the akuma,"

He did as he was told and said his transformation phrase, he breathed in as a wave of light washed over him, fading away to reveal his purple suit underneath.
Nathalie held out a hand that Gabriel realised had been clenched the whole time, she opened it to reveal the Black-Purple akuma still fluttering its wings trying to escape.

"Goodbye, Father,"  Nathalie said as she and Gabriel reached out to touch the akuma in her outstretched palm.

Gabriel shut his eyes as his head started to pound and he felt the ground beneath him vanish.

He opened his eyes again to see a pale Mayura next to him,
"Are you alright?" He asked her,

She turned to him and said in a quiet voice,
"I've just realised, what if that akuma makes you go back in time?  We'll need another one to go forward, wont we?"

Author's note :

Hey! So uh sorry for the short chapter, I kinda had alot of work and barely any motivation... Soo yea 😅

Sorry about that!

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