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"Why did you transform?" Asked Gabriel, ignoring past-Nathalie,

"The akuma wouldn't work for some reason," replied Nathalie

Past-Nathalie started at Mayura,
"Is- is that me?!"

Oh, forgot about her,
"No," replied Mayura, and she de-transformed, "this is,"

There was a few seconds of silence, but then there was a knock on the bedroom door,
"Nathalie?! What is going on in there?"
It was a mans voice, and Gabriel assumed it was her dad.

He saw both Nathalie's eyes widen in fear, and their faces go pale, Nathalie was afraid of her own father.
How much he already hated this man for making Nathalie terrified, as soon as he saw him he would beat him and force him to apolog-

He was cut off by the door being slammed open, and a man with a bottle in his hand and clothes that hadn't been washed in weeks stood there.
He walked up to Past-Nathalie and shouted in her face,
"Stop all this noise! Who are these people?! You know we don't allow guests!"

Gabriel saw red, and was about the fly at the man and beat him when he heard a sharp smack, and saw him HIT his own daughter, his own flesh and blood.
Gabriel stood there in shock, and a large hand print started to show up in red on Nathalie's cheek.
He saw tears well up in past-Nathalie's eyes, she never cried, not even when Audrey hurt her, not even when Chat Noir beat her with his stick, and she didn't even cry when the miraculous forced her to cough up blood.
This man... No, this MONSTER had made her cry, and Gabriel saw FIRE.

He was only interrupted from his thoughts when he saw future-Nathalie shaking, she was truly terrified of this man, even when she tried to walk up to him and confront him,
"Father," said future Nathalie,

The man turned to look at her,
"and who are you?" he said,

"It's me, father, its Nathalie from the future,"

The man laughed and turned to face her properly,
"Yea, like i'll believe that, prove it,"

Nathalie took a deep breath, and pulled up the bottom of her turtle neck, and there it was, a large scar going from the bottom of her stomach to almost the top.
Gabriel heard the man gasp, and then Nathalie said,
"April, I came home ten minutes after curfew, and you threw a bottle above my head onto the wall, it smashed and you picked up a piece and cut me with it,"

Gabriel was shocked, even more so when past-Nathalie also pulled up the bottom of her shirt and revealed a large cut, the same as future-Nathalie's, still slightly bloody, and Gabriel guessed it was done only recently.

He opened his mouth to speak, as did her father, bit they were both cut off by a,

"Duusu, spread my feathers!"

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