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After saying that, Mayura and Hawkmoth waved to the crowd and leapt across the buildings back to the mansion, leaving Ladybug and Chatnoir and the rest of Paris in shock.

"Well," Ladybug said hesitantly, "Atleast its not another heroes day?,"

The heroes said their goodbyes and went off to their homes.

The next day, the only thing the news was talking about was how the villains appeared out of thin air and everyone was wondering where they had gone.

"People of Paris are in shock at what happened yesterday during our heroes speech. We have a clip from the Ladyblog here to show you," Nadja Chamack announced on the news.

She played a clip showing how there was a bright light and the villains falling to the ground.

"Where did they go? Are they planning something? Will our heroes be able to stop him?" Nadja Chamack continued, "See you next time on the news,"

The Next Day
After School

Adrien had snuck out again, he chose the best possible time to leave, so he had around 2-3 hours before he had to leave.

He was walking around the Park with Nino, Alya and Marinette.

"What do you think that whole thing about the villains was?" Asked Alya,

"Do you think they're planning something?" Added Nino,

Adrien was about to say something but before he could, there was another flash of light right in front of them!
They all braced themselves, just incase it was Hawkmoth and Mayura again.

They slowly opened their eyes when they didn't hear Hawkmoth and instead saw..... Teenagers?!

"I told you not to touch the butterfly!"

"I thought you were lying, butterflies aren't magic!"

"This one is!"

The teenagers looked ... familiar?
Adrien was the first person to go up to them while everyone else stayed back, he couldn't blame them though, what if they were dangerous?

"Um... Hello? Are you alright?" He asked,

The girls turned to look at him and he instantly recognised them,

"Nathalie?! Penny?!"

"How do you know our names?" Nathalie asked,

Adrien's eyes widened and he turned to look back at his friends, who were just as confused as he was,

"What year is it?" Penny asked,

"2020, why?" Alya said hesitantly,

"I told you! It was magic," Nathalie said to Penny,

Adrien wondered what they were talking about, and by the look on his friends faces, so were they.

"Why did you want to know what year it was?" Nino asked,

"You would think I'm crazy," was the reply,

"Try us,"  Marinette said confidently,

They listened in awe as Nathalie told them about the purple butterfly and how it took them from 19(?) to 2020,

"Soo... You're from the past?" Said Marinette,


"Give us a moment," Said Alya walking away pulling the rest of the group with her,


"Guys! How did an akuma get into the past?!" Alya said once they were far enough away,

"Remember when Hawkmoth and Mayura appeared out of nowhere? It could be that!" Adrien suggested,

"Uhh, why is nobody questioning how they look like Adrien's Father's assistant and Jagged Stone's agent?" Nino butted in,

"They did say their names were Nathalie and Penny!" Marinette added, "It can't be just a coincidence!"

Adrien thought about it, but one thing didn't seem too add up, what were they wearing? The Nathalie he knew would never wear anything like that!

"Did you see their clothes?" Alya said practically reading Adriens mind,

"Yeah, I noticed that too, I dont think they would wear anything like that, they're much too sensible!" Nino agreed,

Marinette suddenly remembered that they had left them there and quickly hurried back over to where they were standing, saying,
"What if anyone else finds out they're from the past! They might think they're crazy and put them in a mental hospital!"

So everyone ran back to where Nathalie and Penny were having a conversation.

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