Tape 2 side B

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The next morning was hell I had a headache from hell and when I looked into the mirror I saw a huge bruised where Seth slapped me last night so I covered it up with makeup so people wouldn't notice anything. After I got ready I looked over at Justin to see he was still sleeping so I just left him and went to the park. Thank god it was Saturday so that means no school for two days and I can listen to the tapes. When I got to the park I pushed play. 

____________________ Tape 2 Side B<___________________________

SHHH. For this next one you need to be very, very quiet. Because you've about to do something very wrong. Be careful. And don't get caught. Have you ever wonder what it would feel like to watch someone? To invade someone privacy? Do you wonder what secrets you might undercover? What skeletons you might turn up? Well, for this next one your about to find out. A-4 on your map, kids.

______________ Paused the tape-----------------------------------------------

So, when I went to the place she told me to on the map I found out it was none other the Tyler Down. What did he do? He is so nice I mean other then the fact that you know he takes pictures of people and is a little bit creepy. 

_________________ Play the tape____________________________

Now don't say you're too afraid or that you don't feel comfortable doing this kind of thing, because guess what? You spy on people all the time.We're always watching someone. Following someone. And being followed. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...They've made us a society of stalkers. And we love it. Of course stalking someone in real life is a whole "nother thing.That's right I had a stalker. And if you made it to A-4 You're outside his window. Just like I am... Right now. Any guess yet? No? Well, stay tuned to hear about the skeletons he dug up. For now... Lets see if he has any of his own.I get that its a thrill, looking into someone life. My heart is pounding right now.Can you hear it? Listen. 

---------------------- Paused the tape-------------------------------------

What the fuck Marcus you scared the living hell out of me. "Sorry Okay Chels, I said your name like 3 times. What are you doing out here so early." You know about the tapes don't you dick head?  "Yes, I do Chels and besides your not the only one who's been here but I gotta say you are the first one to be stupid enough to come here during the day." I just rolled my eyes.  "We all been here and took our shot." Fuck that Marcus I am not going to throw a rock outside someone's window. "Why do you get to miss perfect all the time?" I'm not I am just not an asshole like you or any of you guys. "Yeah well, where is Hanna now you slapped Bryce and Jess." Fuck off. After our talk I just started walking.

_______________Play the tape>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Welcome to your tape Tyler Down. So, tell me... When did it start? How long where you watching me, Tyler? {Hanna} I can't believe you don't like them. {Clay} Look I'm just saying, I don't... Okay vampires, aliens, even werewolves, I get.I get the motivations, the metaphors, right?But zombies. They're just... They're just stupid. {Chelsea} Oh my lord your a dork this is me guys I will see you in the morning Clay and Miss, Clay. {Clay and Hanna} Night Chels. {Clay}She means well really she does. {Hanna} I know. So back to where we were talking about. All I am getting at is you hate zombies. You're a zombie racist. {Clay} Just, like, I don't understand 'em. What's their story? They don't want to take over the world, kill their masters, anything interesting. They're not good or evil. They're just hungry... for brains. I mean, like, brains. Well... thank you... for walking me home.And for destroying all future zombie media for me forever. {Clay} Anytime.

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