tape 1 side A

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It has been a week since my best friend killed herself. Since then everything has been off the charts. I mean I can't help but think that if she would have talked to me then I could have somehow made her stay.  You see when Hanna Baker killed herself my whole world fell apart even more than it already was. Now I have no one to turn to some nights I wonder if it should have been me instead of Hanna. After another terrible day at school, I went straight home and saw a packet for me sitting on my bed. When I opened it I saw these cassette tapes and a map. "What the hell are these" I started thinking and decided to call a good friend of mine who could help me. 
      Hey Tony it's Chels I know we have not talked since we'll you know but I was wondering if you had something I could play cassette tapes on?

     Hey, Chels good to hear from you yea I have a little thing that plays cassette tapes from want me to come over and give it to you.

NO I mean you can give it to me tomorrow at school or I can come over to your place so I can get out of the house.

Yea sure I am not busy right now just drop by.

After I ended the call I grabbed the box and my bag and started walking to Tony's house. It took me about 15 minutes to get to his house when I saw him working on his car so I walked up to him. Hey Tony. "Nice seeing you again shorty wanna come in and I'll give you the player". Thanks, Tony I know I've been distant but I just can't seem to think I should have been there for her. "Chels you are her best friend you didn't know. If you need anything anything at all I am here for you. "After he said that I put in the first side of the tape and what I heard next almost gave me a heart attack.

     Hey, it's Hannah. Hannah Baker. There's not a simple explanation For the things that I feel That's right. Don't adjust whatever device you're hearing this on. There's no one word To tell you why I do the things It's me, live and in stereo. No return engagements, no encore, and this time, absolutely no requests. Get a snack. Settle in. Because I'm about to tell you the story of my life.

    As I paused the tape I couldn't help but think if I got these that means I was one of the reasons Hanna Baker killed herself. As I pushed play I knew that whatever where on these tapes would make me hate every inch of my body but it never occurred to me that my life would change as we knew it for the worse.  Everything I knew was all a lie and my life would never be the same again. 

     The rules here are pretty simple. There are only two. Rule number one: you listen. Number two: you pass it on. Hopefully, neither one will be easy. It's not supposed to be easy, or I would have emailed you an MP3. When you're done listening to all 14 sides, because there are 14 sides to every story rewind the tapes, put them back in the box, and pass them on to the next person. Why the hell am I on this? Oh, and the box of tapes should have included a map. I'll be mentioning several spots around our beloved city. I can't force you to visit them, but if you'd like a little more insight, head for the stars. Or, you know, just throw the map away and I'll never know or will I? You see, in case you're tempted to break the rules, understand I did make a copy of these tapes, and I left them with a trusted individual who, if this package doesn't make it through all of you, will release those copies in a very public manner. This was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. Do not take me for granted. Not again.  But I never did she was my best friend. I paused the tape and took my phone out to see I got a couple of missed calls from Justin. I got to go Tony I will see you at school. "Be careful Chels if you need anything I'm here." I know that Tony and thanks, man. As I was walking home I started playing the tape again. Do what I say. Not more, not less. You're being watched.  When I got home I saw Mom and Seth fighting again so I ran up to mine and Justin's room to see him pissed off at me. "What are you doing with those?"  Wait he knows what is in my hand? Does this mean he is on the tape as well? It was on my bed when I got home. You know about these. "Yes, the fuck I do I don't want you listening to them." Well You don't get to tell me what I can and can't listen to Justin and you heard the rules if I don't then everyone will hear it is that what you want? "Fine but promise me when my tape comes up you won't look at me any different," I honestly can't promise you that Justin but if I had any questions I will come to you I promise.

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