Tape 5 side B

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Life is too short. On one hand people seem to take life for granted.  When your a high schooler it get ten time worse. People think you should always know what to say and do. They forget that being in high school is a different breed all together.
When I woke up the next day I got up and looked at my phone to see Justin leaving me over a hundred text messages and miss calls. I couldn't handle him right now. I looked to my left to see Clay still sleeping with his arm around him. I really wish him and Hanna got together they both deserve it. I kissed his cheek and got up for school. After about 10 minutes he finally got up. "You want me to ride with you to school"? If you dont mind I want to walk to clear my mind. After that I went out his window and and started listening to the tapes.

    ---------------Push Play----------------

[Hanna] Sometimes... things just happen to you. They just happen. You can't help it. If your hearing this Chelsea please dont hate me for not telling you. But it's what you do next that counts. Not what happens... but what you decide to do about it. And I've made some very bad decisions about my life. As you know. I told you there were more stories about the night of Jessica's party, so here it goes. [Jeff] Yo sheri your blocking me in.  I've got to go for provisions. [Sheri] Oh, shit. Okay, I'll be right out. I've got to get home anyways. [Jeff] I dont want to make you leave. [Sheri] no. I'm staying at my dad's which comes with a curfew. I'll get my keys and be right out. [Jeff] Thank you,ma'am. [Hanna] I wanted to leave. But where would I go? And how would I get there? I was too weak to walk. Or just to weak to try. And then an unlikely hero came my way. [Sheri] Hey, you need a ride home? [Hanna] Is it that obvious? [Shrri] You don't look so good. I mean, you always look good, but you don't look so good. Look, I can give you a ride. [Hanna] Um... How much have you had to drink? [Sheri] Barely anything. Okay, look, hold this. Alright, guys, excuse me, the pathway for Sheri. See? Now, look, if I can do that, I can drive home. Come on. Did you get it? [Hanna] Now I wonder if we would have both been better off staying at the party. Sheri, this one's for you.
---------- Paused the tape----------
Once I got to school I turned the tapes off and went to my locker to see Zach standing by it, with Justin. "I told Jess the truth about Bryce." Good for you Justin need a metal for telling her the truth. "Chelsea that's enough". Whatever get out of my way. So after I grabbed my stuff for the first and second period I made my way to see if Jess was at school. After finally looking for her and could not find her I made it my mission to find her after school since I knew she was not at school.
             After School
I went to Jess's house and knocked on the door. Is Jess here sir? "Yea come inside". Once I got to her room and saw her crawling up in her bed crying. Oh, Jess come here. Once she fell in my arms we just sat on her floor for about an hour till she finally stop crying. "You were right, I didn't want you to be right or even Hanna". Look, Jess, I know what you are going through. I've been there more times than once. "How did you get over it". To be honest with you I didn't I still wake up with nightmares.  I can't have a guy touch me without freaking out. But I make it through the day and pray that the next day would be better. "Can you stay with me tonight"? Sure. So that night I stayed with Jess to make sure she was okay and to talk about what happened.  The next day we got dressed and ate breakfast together and went to school. She was thinking about telling her parents about what happened to her and I told her if anything were to happen then I will be right by her side. After school, I finished Sheri's tape and was beyond pissed that she could do something like that.  The next day when they were doing the announcements for the day I told everyone about what she did. "How could you do that Chelsea?" Do what Sheri tell the whole school you killed my BOYFRIEND! "You could have talked to me. "YOU KNOW I BLAME HANNA FOR NOT TELLING ME ABOUT THAT NIGHT BUT NOW I KNOW WHY SHE DIDN'T TELL ME CUZ I WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU! "Justin control your sister". "Chelsea let's go". That is when Tony and Clay looked at everyone and made me follow them out. So we are guessing you're on tape 10 we need to be there when you listen to it". Why clay? "That's Clay tape Chels trust us when we say you're almost at the end and it gets ten times worse in the next two tapes".

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