Tape 3 Side B

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    After school was out, I went over to Zach's car because he texted me at lunch to meet him in his car after school. "Hey, chels, you need to chill." Why, Zach, what did you do on the tapes? "Chels, you know I care about you, but your freaking out is going to make it worse." Make what's worse can't anyone tell me what the fuck is going on all I keep hearing is watch the tapes. I am only on tape three Zach, and it is already fucking with my head. "Let's take a break tonight Bryce is having a party all you need to do is get wasted." Okay, can you take me home so I can get ready? Sure, anything for you. So when he dropped me off I went to my room put on a dress and did my make-up and called Zach then we went to the party. I don't remember much about what happened there because the next thing I know it was morning. 

                                                Zach P.O.V. 

I was drinking just a little and watching Chelsea because honestly, I didn't trust no one with Chelsea. I can't believe how much she has changed over the past couple of weeks. As soon as she was wasted, I put her in my car. "Zach, you know all I feel is numb, but you make me feel things." Chelsea, you mean the world to me, but right now, your drunk." Is it wrong that I want to kill myself all I keep thinking about is if Hanna didn't kill herself, but instead it was me. "Don't think that way, Chels Justin, and I would be crushed if anything happened to you." That is when she kissed me. I wanted so badly to kiss her back, but I didn't because I could never take advantage of her like this. I brought her to my room and called Tony.

Hey, men, do you have any clue what time it is? Let's cut to the chase Tony if it were not for Chelsea I would not be calling you.  Is she okay, Zach tell me she is okay. She was talking about killing herself today when she was drunk.  I am on my way where are you guys? I am in my room with her, don't worry, but I don't think she will be able to get through all 14 tapes. Men, you know what would happen if she does not. Are you really going to make her she was TALKING ABOUT KILLING HERSELF? "First of all Zach I know Chelsea, and she is strong, so yes I am talking about she has to finish the tapes this is what Hanna wanted in when she is ready she will have me, Clay, and you. Fuck you! So after I hung up on Tony, I went to my room to see Chelsea fast asleep looking so peaceful. 

                           ____________The next morning Chelsea p.o.v.____________________________

                                The next morning I woke up to this massive headache and see Zach is right next to me. "Morning cutie". Morning Zach I am so sorry for last night. "Don't be we have to get up in go to class". Yea, my favorite thing. After we got dressed and went to school everyone was staring at us. That is when Clay came up to me. "Sorry, Zach but can I still Chels for a moment?" "She is all yours I will see you cutie". That is when he kissed me and let me tell you this I was blushing like crazy. "It is cute to see you like this Chels". Thank you Clay so what did you want to see me for? "About Courtney"? Yes, what about her? "You should have never put it out there like that." Really says the one who took her to Hanna's grave. "Chelsea They planted pot in my bag and got me suspended for two weeks I don't want anything to happen to you." I know that Clay but I am fine really now leave me alone. So after our talk, I decided to go to the library and listen to the tapes. 

__________________Play the tape___________________

How many of you remember the Oh My Dollar Valentines? Those were fun, weren't they? You fill out a survey, and for just a buck, you get the name and number of your one true soul mate. And, hey, all proceeds go to a worthy cause: cheer camp. {Jessica} Sheri I am so sorry, but those hearts look like butts. {Hanna} The dollar Valentine survey was a two-parter: Describe yourself, and describe what you're looking for in someone else. And, as I filled mine out, Chelsea made me realize that I was describing one certain person.  Do you think if my answers all described one person... That person would at least appear on my top five. But no. Maybe where more than what the world sees. Or less. Maybe none of us -are who we seem.  {Jeff} Well? In a complete sentence, right? {Clay} Yeah, totally. {Chelsea} Hey Clay, Jeff what you guys doing?  {Jeff} And the prencciess arrives, Clay here is helping -me with my history project. {Chelsea} So that is boring what if since Clay is helping you with history we help him with Hanna? {Jeff} Yes. {Clay} Hold up what Chelsea {Jeff} He can fill out the dollar valentine. So are you doing anything for Valentine's Chelsea? {Chelsea} No not at all what you got plan? {Jeff} Let me be your Valentine. {Chlesea} Is the famous Jeff Ankins asking me out on a date? {Jeff} Yes now what do you say? {Clay} She says yes. {jeff} Great see you then.

_____________Pause the Tape______________________________________

I didn't know I was crying till Jessica and Justin came up to me and I wiped my tears away. "You really should not be listening to them at school Chels." Who made you the boss of me Justin? "Hey, Chels we are just trying to help." You guys have a bad way of showing it like how Justin pretty much skips school to shoot up on meth or you and your drinking. "Chelsea what the fuck. We are here for you no matter what so stop pushing us away." I don't need you guys so leave me the fuck alone. After I grabbed my stuff I put on my headphones and started walking to the girl's locker room where no one would notice I was in there.

_________________ Play the tape_____________________________

{Sheri) Hanna Baker! Hey! Did you fill out your survey? {Hanna} Yeah well I figured why not? {Sheri} This is cool I always wanted to set you up with someone. Let's see. {Hanna} How does this work anyway?{Sheri} I don't know really, but Prakash Agrawal in Mr. Merrimen's A.P. Computer Science came up with it. He says it's like a proprietary algorithm. He's gonna license it to us for free as an act of charity, and it's gonna make him millions some day. Let's see. Who'd you get? Who'd you get? {Hanna} How did I match with Bryce Walker? {Sheri} No not that one trust me. {Hanna} Okay agreed. {Sheri} Um, let's see... What about Alex Standall he is nice? {Hanna} yeah well this time you can trust me... he's not. Maybe I was stupid to keep hoping... Hoping for someone who is great. Why is Marcas Cole calling me? {Sheri} No way it's dollar Valentine. {Hanna} What? {Sheri} Okay well, I shouldn't be telling you this, but I'm pretty sure you were on his list. Oh, please answer. We need a successful story. People are asking for their money back. We need that for the banner budget. {Hanna} I don't know. {Sheri} Please Hanna Baker? Banners? {Hanna} Hello? {Marcus} Hey, Hanna Baker. Guess what? {Hanna} Hey Marcus Cole what? {Marcus} You were first on my list for dollar valentines. {Hanna} Dollar Valentines? {Sheir} That is shocking. {Hanna} I'm Shocked. {Sheri} Say yes, yes, yes. Text me everything. {Hanna} Right yeah. }{Marcus} I figured it was a sign. {Hanna} Yeah, but... wait a second.  How do I know you're telling me the truth? Maybe I'm not on your list. {Marcus} Hey, well if you go out with me, I can show you. {Hanna} Says you. {Marcus} Says me. And my dead presidential friend Benjamin Washington, who was actually not a president. It is ready to buy you a milkshake, hamburgers, french fries, or anything you want from the world's greatest world-renowned Rosie's Diner. Come on, what do you say? Eight p.m.? Listen... - Nope, no "listen." What follows "listen" is nothing good.
Let me put it this way. Repeat after me:
"Marcus, I will definitely go out with you."I always kind of liked Marcus. Marcus, I will definitely think about it. You always seemed like a good guy. Don't think too hard.
I promise. I won't. Then again, they almost always do. Marcus, welcome to your tape. What was it? Did you want to see if the rumors were true? Or did you just want to start some new ones of your own?
   --------------Pause the tape------------
What the fuck Marcus. I remember Hanna telling me that she wishes clay was on her list. So far I got to my brother who I wanna punch in the face, Jessica who is dating my brother, Alex who I could somewhat tolerate, Tyler who is a fucking stalker, Courtney who I hate with a passion, and now the one and only Marcus. What the fuck is going on. I was pissed. I started listening to the tape again and once it was over I knew someone should have done something so I did what any sane person would do and the next day I keyed his car that says I AM JUST A MAN WHORE. "What the fuck Chels". What are you talking about Marcus? "YOU KEYED MY FUCKING CAR!" I am sorry but I don't know what you are talking about what I do know is that you're a piece of shit and that is why your fucking single asshat. That is when Zach came up behind me, "Is something wrong babe"? "You better watch who you are fucking with slut" OR WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO CALL ME EASY GO RIGHT AHEAD BECAUSE I WILL KILL YOU! "You can't touch me bitch." The next thing I know my brother is behind me. "Walk away Marcus!" "Than tell your bitch of a sister to leave my shit alone. Zach you better watch out for your girlfriend I hope she puts out like Hanna did." After he said that I kicked him in the balls and walked away with my twin in his bestfriend behind me.

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