Tape 5 side A

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    That night I forgot all about my problems for the first time in forever I was not depressed about my home life or Hanna's death. I was finally happy. The next morning I got dressed in texted the boys that I was going to get some coffee so I left and started listening to the tapes.


{Hanna} I got a question for you, Justin. Not the one you think. Not yet. What's the best part of high school? The great friends you make? The romance? No. We both know the best part of high school is summer break. It's the great reset button. And after everything that happened to me sophomore year... I couldn't wait to start fresh. to tear the rest of the pages from my journal and to forget it all. Except I didn't get far. At work, my usual crime patterns in crime, Clay was spending the summer with his grandparents. So it was just me and Chelsea but Justin you didn't like me being friends with your baby sister right? I thought maybe starting over didn't have to mean cutting myself off completely. Maybe I've been hanging with the wrong people. Maybe I could start over with the right people. But if I have known what was going to happen, I never would have walked through that door. But parties have a weird magic. They're like an alternate universe. They can make you believe that anything is possible. But you didn't did she, Justin? She didn't know. And people really don't change. Welcome to your second tape Justin Foley. There are three stories to tell that night. I'll tell this one first. How did I end up in that bedroom? That's another story. But for now, Justin, you'd been with the same girl all night. But I'm not going to call her out by name. Even though if you were at that party, you already know. I realized two things at that moment. Number 1 I was drunk, And number 2 so was that girl. But I figured you would just give up and leave her alone. At least, I hope you would. I know what you are thinking. Maybe if this girl hadn't has so much to drink, what happened next would have never happened. But it was a party. Everyone had too much to drink. And besides, how can you blame someone for something that happens when they are unconscious? I had to do something. I had to make him stop. But I couldn't get my feet to move. It was dark in there. And the music was loud, but I saw his face. And I recognized his voice clear as day. And so would all of you. But this tape isn't about him. It's about you and me Justin. You called him a friend. But your girlfriend needed you that day. That girl had two chances that night. But we both let her down. How do I live with that? How do you, Justin? How does she live with what happened?

_________________End of the tape____________________

After I listened to Justin's tape I kept replaying that night over and over in my head. I texted Jess to meet up with me at the coffee shop so I order us both a hot chocolate. "Hey, how are you"? I am good I am sorry I have not been talking to you as of late but I got to Justin's tape again the night at the party did Bryce really rape you? "No Justin told me no". So you believe him over Hanna why would she lie? "Why trust a dead girl over your brother"? Bryce raped me more than once I don't know if you knew that or not but the way you have been acting lately with drinking all the time. I have flashbacks of what Bryce did to me I think you might have them too. "I don't know what you're talking about?" That night at the party when Justin came downstairs he came to find me I was with Jeff that night and he took me home crying at first I thought it was because you guys got into a fight but now I know it was because you where rapped and my brother didn't do anything about it. "You are wrong, I got to go". After our talk, I went to go find Justin and to no surprise, he was at Bryce's place. WHAT THE FUCK BROTHER!" What are you talking about Chels." DID BRYCE RAPE JESS TOO? "Chelsea not here". I knew that voice but I was just so pissed off that I couldn't care who was listening. YES OR NO DID HE OR DID HE NOT RAPE YOUR GIRLFRIEND! "CHELSEA NO HE DIDN'T" WHY WOULD HANNA LIE THEN I MEAN EVERYTHING SHE SAID SO FAR WAS THE TRUTH! That is when he slapped me and Zach stepped in between us. "Justin don't you ever put your hands on a girl ever again." "Chels I didn't mean to hit you". LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE you're JUST LIKE SETH AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! After that, I ran outside and called the only person who I know would not kill Justin and that was Clay. "Hey, Chels are you Okay". No um, I really need someone right now and I was hoping I could stay at your place. "Sure I would sneak you in and you can sleep in my room call me when you are here". So it only took me ten minutes to get to clays house and I turned off my phone. After I got to clays house he snuck me in so his parents would not find out and he saw the red hand mark on my face. "What the fuck happened to your face Chels". Justin happened when I asked if Jess was rapped we got into a fight and he slapped me. "I'm going to kill him". WAIT DON'T! I am fine really he would also kill you, Clay. "Let's get you to sleep," he said that he made a bed on the floor and was about to go to sleep. Clay can you sleep with me tonight I don't want to be alone. "Sure" So after he climbed in bed with me we both fell asleep. 

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