Tape 1 side B

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   The next morning I woke up extra early because my mind would not shut off and I needed to know what happened on side B so I got up and left a note for Tony to let him know I would meet him at school. I started walking to god knows where and put my headphones on to listen to side B.

    Welcome back.So glad you're still listening.Are you having fun? You must be wondering who's next, and why.Is it you? What did you do? How did you end up on these tapes? Maybe you did something cruel.Or maybe you just watched it happen. Maybe you didn't even realize you were being cruel.Maybe you didn't do anything at all. And maybe you should have. Too late.I think you know exactly what you did.And after these tapes, you'll never forget it.I know I won't.Oh, and, uh, by the way, I'm still dead.Friendship. It's complicated.But don't worry. You won't go through this alone. That's not fun.Trust me. I've been there. Now, it won't always be easy. It might even hurt a bit. Or a bit more than a bit. That depends on you. But fear not, we'll get through this. Step by step, tape by tape. You and me.Together. And don't forget there are others.See, I can guarantee that one of the reasons you're still listening is that you really want to know who are the others. Who else is responsible for my death? Well, you're going to learn soon enough.And, of course, they're going to learn about you, too.If they haven't already.What? Feeling paranoid? On edge? Yeah.High school does that to a person.You never really know who you can trust.And who can't?Think fast.Don't stop moving.It's a hot potato, fellas.Hot potato! Don't hold that ball too long.So keep your wits about you. It's all part of the game.But, remember, it's not a game. Not at all. Enough with the small talk. It's time to meet the star of Tape One, Side B.So, without further ado, let me introduce my former friend.Step up, Jessica Davis.After that, I got to school and I knew where I wanted to go and that was to find my damn brother. That is when I saw Bryce and Zach talking in front of their lockers. WHERE THE FUCK IS HE! Chels calm down where is who. What the fuck did Zach just say to me he knows who I am talking about. So I closed my eyes and talked a little calmer. Where is my brother Bryce? Oh sweetie I don't know maybe looking for you or something. FUCK YOU! When in where honey. That is when Clay came over and pushed me away. Let's go Chels. As I walked away I punched the locker. YOUR HOT WHEN YOU'RE PISSED! Let's go Chels. I turned around a punched Bryce right in the face. During homeroom, I just blocked her out. After homeroom, I saw Mr.Potter and turned the other way around till I saw Jess who so happens to be Justin's girlfriend, and came up to her. What are you listening to, Chelsea? I know you know what I am listening to Jess so let me ask you something where is my brother? I don't know but I am going to Bryce after school you should come with me so we can both talk to your brother. Ok then meet you after school. So at lunch, I started playing the tapes in my car.I met Jessica a couple of weeks into sophomore year.Apparently, we needed to be counseled.- Hey.- Hey- Mrs. Antilly? - Yeah.Me, too.- Any clue why? - None. My new students! Come in! Come in! Did you two get a chance to meet outside? Hannah, meet Jessica. Jessica, meet Hannah. You're both new to Liberty, and I thought it would be good for you to know each other.I thought, and I know this isn't how things are usually done, but I thought you could be friends. Do adults understand how friendships work? Now, I recognize it's unusual to assign someone a friend, so think of it as a friendly face in a crowd, until you get your bearings. So you want us to smile at each other in the hall? And how will that help us, like, directionally? Well, the point is, you won't be strangers.Starting at a new school can feel overwhelming.I just want you to have an ally. Two allies. Count me in as well. So, just to be clear, we should smile at you in the hallway too? Sure! I'd love that! Listen. I'm not under any illusion that this school is a friendly place. I'd like it to be. It isn't always, but we three, we can be there for each other! That's all. Mrs.Antilly, I'm sure Hillary is awesome, but If we're gonna be great friends, you should know my name is Hannah.- What did I call you? - Hillary.That's not your name? No.Hannah.Crap.I already got your best friend's necklace engraved with "Hillary." Any students named Hillary we can set up with Jennifer? - Jessica.- Sorry.Jezebel.No problem, Harriet. Ooh. Can I actually get a Jezebel? She'd be an amazing friend.See? See, the sense of humor on you two.It's a perfect match! - Yeah.- Clearly.Hey, Helmet, Hey Chelsea. Can I ask you guys something? Sure what's up Hanna? Are you guys dating? Really Hanna first do you really think my brother would let me date someone like him? But no we are just really close friends he is like a second big brother to me and he is way better than Justin. Why are you smiling? Why shouldn't I smile? No, I mean, you should.I was just asking if there was an immediate recent cause or something. You literally can manufacture an existential crisis out of thin air.It's a gift! It's a true gift. Chelsea, there were times when I wish you would stop letting the awkward things happen between me and Clay. I know how hard it was for you to not set me and Clay up.

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