Season 2- the first polariod

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      Good Morning, Ladies and gentlemen.Calling the case of Andrew and Olivia Baker versus the Evergreen Country School District. Are both sides ready to begin? "She was so beautiful, and she was so nice to me." Tyler, you testified that life at Liberty High School was bad before Hanna Baker killed herself. How is it now? Tyler? "It's worse."

 It has been a wild ride these past couple of months with Justin packing his shit and leaving to me get a job and living with Jessica because Justin stole a lot of money from Seth that he wanted me out of his house and of course, Mom didn't do anything. On the bright side, I mett two very good people named Amera and Miley they are twins. Hanna would have loved them. Amera is this bright outgoing girl whereas Miley is more reserved and cold towards people she doesn't know. As for Zach and me he kind of just forgot about me when the trials started happening.  Bryce still goes to the same school as me and Jess but we stay out of his way and he leaves us alone.  So when Hanna Baker's trial began I knew I didn't want to miss it even though I knew I would regret hearing about what was going to be said. So the first day they called Tyler's name to the stand. Even though me and Tyler never got to become friends I kinda felt bad for him.   The next day ,, Jess, and Alex started walking inside the school and heard people talking about us. "You look beautiful today Jess." Hey, what about me Alex do I look good too? "Chels you know you don't need a compliment from Alex when Zach can give you one." As Jess said that right in queue Zach came up behind Alex and took his bags from him. Well, as much as I love to talk to you guys I got to go see you at home Jess. As I told her that I went to my locker and opened it to see a blue Polaroid fall out of my locker.  "Hey is that a picture of an unconscious girl and someone on top of her?" What the hell Clay you scared the shit out of me. I think it is but who could have put this in my locker? "Well I don't know about you but the first person I would go to is Tyler because he knows all about this stuff." You are right let's go. I told him putting the picture in my bag and getting ready to find Tyler. Once we found Tyler I started talking to him. Hey I know we are not very close but can I ask you something please. "

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