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          OWEN WAS HOT ON Katherine's heals as she ran down to where the elevator was, "Katherine!" He shouts in a hush whisper. She didn't slow, causing him to speed up and grab onto her wrist, pulling her body into him, "Slow down, baby. Do you even have a plan?"

          Katherine shrugs her shoulder, obviously panicking inside. "A small one, might not work but it's worth a try. I cannot stand and watch this hybrid kill hundreds if not millions. If the Indominus was hard to take down, what about this creature? No trainer, no commands. Nothing. I cannot let more people die."

         The raptor trainer puts his hands on her shoulders, squeezing softly. "You know what happened wasn't your fault."

          She shrugged off his shoulders, turning around and scoffing. "You know it is. Come on, we got to stop this thing."

         They found a control panel box and decided maybe cutting out the lights would put a small hault on things so they can create a bigger plan. As Owen was messing around with the cables, the elevator rings, causing the both of them to freeze and stare with wide eyes. When it happened, Katherine was getting ready to either fight or flight. But it was empty.

         The sound of air hissing and a dinosaur grunting got their attention. Down the hall was Stiggy. Owen shared a look with Katherine and back at the elevator. "Hey buddy, you thinking what I'm thinking?"

         The two were able to get Stiggy in the elevator. But before the elevator went down to the next level, Owen pried open the doors. So when Stiggy ran into the room causing chaos, Owen jumped through the vent and reached up to help Katherine down.
Screams filled the air as Stiggy went on a headbutting rampage. Katherine notices a guard with a gun pointed right at the dinosaur. Immediately Katherine ran towards him and grabbed the gun, pointing it at the roof causing bullets to fly. Of course the man she was fighting was two times bigger than her but that didn't stop her. As the shocked man tried regaining the upper hand Katherine slammed her knee in his gut, causing him to hunch over before she slammed her fist in face. He stumbled but as he stumbled he dropped his gun, Katherine immedaitely diving for it.

        The guard raised his foot to try and kick her away but she dodged it. The man grabbed her arm but in response she wrapped it around his neck and flipped him over her shoulder. Katherine reached down to grab the gun and slammed the butt of it in the guard's head, knocking him out.

         Hearing Owen groan in pain, she turned around to see him battling another guard who had a tazer stick. He was pinned against the wall, the guard shoving the tazer by his head but Owen simply dodged, slamming his fist in the mans stomach but the man quickly recoiled and the two went at it again. Katherine lifted the gun at the man, debating on pressing the trigger or not. Not wanting to take a life again, she ran forward and hit the guy in the head with the butt of the gun, knocking him out cold. Owen panted, staring at his girlfriend, "Thanks."

        Katherine rolls her eyes, reaching down and helping Owen up. "Shut up. I'm always saving your ass." Katherine made eye contact with Mills and he stared at her with wide eyes. "You stop them from taking the raptor, Mills is mine."

         Mills turned to the man who was controlling the level, "Get this thing out of here!"

         Owen and Katherine both rushes forward, Owen throwing a chair at a security guard running towards them and Katherine dodging the grabs from the others. Times like this she was glad she was tiny enough to slip through. Mills runs through a door, shutting it and locking it behind. Katherine barely reaches the door in time, her fists banging on the metal door. "Goddamnit!"

        Suddenly her body was pressed against the door, causing her to gasp out in pain. The security guard struggles to pin her wrists against her back. She struggles, causing her hand to get free. Katherine doesn't waste any time slipping out the small pocket knife in her jeans and flicking it open, blindly stabbing behind her. The man yells out in pain as the knife pierces his shoulder, giving Katherine the advantage to turn around and pull the knife out, raising her boot and slamming her foot in the mans chest causing him fly towards the ground.

         The other guard rushing towards her swung his fist, but she easily dodged it  and twisted his wrist, snapping it. But that didn't stop him. He lifted up his foot, kicking her right in the gut and slamming her right into a pile of chairs. She coughed out in pain, the pain filling up her body. Immediately the way bigger man moves over her, using his non-injured hand to grab her by the hair and drag her up, causing a pain shout to escape her lips. She cries out, her hands moving to his but no budge. He drags her towards the wall, her feet dragging against the concrete.

         The man stops, leaning close to her ear. "You've been a bad girl."

        Katherine used this as an advantage. Quickly, she raised her hand and aimed for the mans face, jabbing her thumb into his eye causing him to cry out and release her hair. Immediately she drops to the ground, grabbing onto the knife and rolling back onto her feet. He recovers from the pain quickly, rushing towards her but she lifts up her knife, slashing at him which he easily dodged. She fakes him out, pretending to move the knife towards his shoulder but quickly moves it to his stomach where he wasn't protecting. He cries out, going to pull out the knife. Katherine looked around knowing she's running out of options. Her eyes land on a chair and she quickly grabs it and then uses all her strength to slam it into the mans head, finally knocking him out.

          Katherine pants, reaching down to pull out the knife and close it back up, shoving it in her pocket. "Goddamn, you're on steroids or something."

         She glances at Owen, seeing him run towards the man controlling the lever and bodily tackling him against the wall, knocking the air out of him. Katherine notices a man sneaking up behind Owen, causing her to move to her feet.

          She quickly wrapped her arm around the mans neck from behind, stepping backgrounds and using all her weight to fling him to the floor. Katherine then stands on top of him and grabs the collar of his vest, lifting him up and slamming her fist in his jaw before slamming his body against the concrete, his head bouncing off causing him to black out. She stands back up, her body sore already. Katherine definitely isn't used to fighting like this anymore. It's been year's since she last fought. Back in her FBI days. She pants, turning around to look at Owen who wanted to make a comment but decided against it.

          He reaches forward, pulling the level back to the dinosaur goes back into the room. As the cage rolls back, the indoraptor stalks them from inside the cage. Katherine felt shivers down her spine as the raptor made eye contact with her. Those familiar eyes. Hesitantly she steps forward, raising a hand to see the reaction. Recognition flashes through the raptors eyes. As if he recognizes her. But it quickly faded and he snarled at her. Katherine shakes her head, the thought of maybe the same mindset as Diamond was in the Indoraptors, knowing it's impossible, leaving her head. She turns to Owen, "We got to get out of here."

posting because i reached 1K followers. my goal / dream since i started this account actually came true finally and i'm so mf happt. thank you, all of you. you guys are absolutely amazing and the best. i love you all so much!

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