2: Forever Yours

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*Michael POV*
September 24, 1979

"I think Michael should add a harmony layer over the chorus

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"I think Michael should add a harmony layer over the chorus. What you think Jackie?" Randy voice sounds as I sit in the corner writing lyrics furiously in my song book.

I roll my eyes and groan inwardly after hearing Jackie, along with the rest of them, nod at the petty suggestion. Even with them desperately trying to get me to do more than I agreed to do every second that passes, I've been successful in hiding away in a small corner this whole session, only singing the parts I agreed to sing before hand after every heated disagreement we've had during the time and if it was up to me, I wouldn't even be here. Seeing as though they're all in dire need of money, they are desperate to put out another album and with another album release, tour will be sure to follow, which is something I made clear a million times I didn't want to do.

It was time for me to do my own thing, explore my own ideas, write the songs I truly want to sing, but leave it to Joseph and my brothers to believe otherwise. Even with me singing majority of the leads to every song we've put out as a group so far, they still think that The Jacksons still have more hits to come while I know otherwise. With Off The Wall doing as well as I hoped, I wanted to plan my own solo tour, away from my family and it's toxic drama but with a big argument filled with me being called selfish and arrogant, then hearing soft spoken begging words from mother alone afterwards, here I was. Recording another album and planning for another tour I knew wouldn't do as well as they think it would.

"I think the chorus is fine just the way it is. Me doubling it up will be too much." I mutter, going back to writing down the lyrics that popped into my head suddenly, humming the soft melody I've been humming all day. "Don't you know now...is the perfect time...we can make it right..if you give it time...no that's not right."

"How would you know? You haven't even gave the track the proper listen." Randy shoots back, turning his chair around from the soundboard to stare at me scribbling furiously in my book. "You too busy doodling in that corny ass book of yours."

I glance up and spot all 4 of my brothers staring back at me, all with a sort of annoyed yet heated glare. So showcasing one of my own, I lock eyes with Randy and fire back in a matter-of-fact tone, "I wrote the song, Randy. In this corny book. I don't need to listen to it over and over again while you mix to know how it goes."

"Why can't you ever cooperate with us, Michael?everything is always a fight with you." Jackie buts in with a deep sigh, slouching deeper into his chair.

With a roll of eyes, I sigh, "What the hell are you talking about? I do most of the work here, Jackie so don't talk to me about some damn 'cooperation'. You want me to sing, I'll sing the stupid song, anything else is extra which is something I didn't agree on."

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