3: Melodies From The Past

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Shanelle POV
September 25, 1979

I eye the cars sitting still outside my window, moving only every few seconds before coming to a complete stop yet again

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I eye the cars sitting still outside my window, moving only every few seconds before coming to a complete stop yet again. It wasn't bright and hot out today in LA, dark clouds and drizzling rain instead, matching my internal mood precisely. We've been sitting in traffic for about 15 minutes now and with another glance at my watch, I'm now 20 minutes late to a breakfast date with my mother we planned weeks ago.

"You doing okay back there, Nell?" I hear Rodney's rumbling voice quiz for the third time since we've been on this drive.

I look up at him, connecting with his eyes in the rear view mirror, as I trace the small fresh cuts shaded beneath the long sleeve I purposely wore today. "I'm fine, Rodney. How long until we get there?"

"I'm not sure." He sighs before swiftly changing lanes to move up a little bit more in the line. "I'll get us there as quick as I can. Don't worry."

With that, I turn my head back to the window, humming along to the staticky radio. It was currently on the soul station, The Stylistics being the choice of music today, playing one of my favorite songs, "You Make Me Feel Brand New". As Rodney changes lanes again, I shift in my seat a bit, attempting to get more comfortable.

Allowing for my mind to wander off to pass time, I find myself back into that hospital room I spent a whole week and a half in, drowning in nothing but deep sorrows and suicidal depression. Tyrone being the first person to see when awakening as he held me tightly to his chest as if he was afraid that if he let me go I would evaporate before his eyes. I can still remember the sweet nothings he cooed in my ear as I slept like he was the world's greatest boyfriend instead of being the main reason I'm here in the first place and me shifting around being the only time he stopped to look down at me.

"What were you thinking?" Is what he asked me after silent moments of just looking me over thoroughly.

"I-I just want it all to go away. The pain. I can't take it anymore."

He simply smirks down at me after my stuttered confession, showcasing amusement deep rooted in his eyes while his smirk grew into a bigger smile at the sight of my confused expression washing over my features like a tidal wave.

"You don't want to be with me anymore?"

"T-Tyrone I-" I go to say but suddenly he tightens his grip he had on my waist to a much more painful one while I try to wiggle myself free. "Ty-Tyrone, Your'e hurting me."

"Shut up! You gotta do better than that to get away from me, Shanelle." He uses time to lean into my neck, grazing his lips into my soft spot for a few moments, his failed attempt to get me to relax into his arms as he continues in sort of a threatening whisper, "Death can't even take you away from me. You belong to me. You're mine forever, Shanelle. I love you."

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