12: Blast From The Past

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•Shanelle POV•November 1, 1979

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•Shanelle POV•
November 1, 1979

I assumed I had been seeing things with the day I have had. Seeing Tyrone after all this time with my bestfriend, who he made sure to kiss all on when he saw I was looking, really pushed me into a dark headspace and after my session with Smokey, him confessing how he knew Berry was my father the whole time and didn't tell me, didn't really make my day better, but yet, here he was.

Or at least I was pretty sure he was.

He stood up from his placement on the couch in a white button up and red sweater duo with jeans that hugged his small figure a bit. He seemed to have cut his fro down tremendously since the last time I saw him on some magazine cover and looked a bit more skinnier which slightly worries me. He seemed to sort of levitate towards me though as my eyes glance over at Jr and Marlon, watching the scene unravel with identical smirks.

"Hey." I hear his soft voice say, barely audible to hear but I do, glancing down at his outstretched hand waiting to connect with mine.

At first, the birds flying wildly inside my stomach wasn't going to allow me to embrace the contact but hearing Trish finally opening the front door to step inside, knowing she would have a fit if I were to leave him hanging after all these years of trying to get me in the same room with him, I slide my hand into his rather quickly to get it over with but freeze when shocks start to shoot through my body like it did when we were younger.

"Hi, Michael."

We both sort of pause, staring at each other as if questioning within if we both felt what we felt, while Marlon and Jr giggle from the sidelines at the rather awkward interaction we were choosing to share with one another.

"Shanelle girl! How you just gone leave me with all these ba-" Trisha stops like the rest of us when turning the corner, seeing Michael and I still holding each others hand. She shoots me a smirk of her own but that alters quickly when she sniffs the air a bit, glaring at Marlon instantly. "Marlon. Upstairs. Now."

Marlon sighs, sitting a giggling Jr. down on the couch so he could follow his wife upstairs without any protest. I don't even think she gives him a chance to close the door before we all hear her begin to rage about not smoking in her house.

"How do you live with them as your parents, boo boo?" I joke, sitting next to Jr. on the couch, Michael taking a spot rather close next to me.

"I don't know." Jr. shrugs, sliding off the couch to the floor to play with his power ranger toy.

At first, we all three sat in silence. Well, Jr. was making small noises here and there as he played but between me and Michael, there was silence. The both us just stared into the TV set playing some movie Marlon and Michael were watching before the rest of us arrived, me mainly being too distracted to figure out the title of the movie for we were sitting so close, I could feel the warmth radiating off of his body making me feel a little nauseous inside. There was even silence upstairs although we heard muffled screaming back and forth just moments ago, making me wonder, "What you think they doing up there?"

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