Chapter 43: A long way to okay

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Thirst Person POV 

It has been 6 months since Lisa moved in with Jennie and Justin. She decided to stay in the guest room. Their relationship? Yeah.. it doesn't exist. They are nothing more than friends who live together and is raising their son. But they aren't in bad terms, they get along just fine. 

Jennie, she hasn't moved on yet, she is still hoping that maybe someday soon.. Lisa will move back into their room. Lisa on the other hand, you can't really tell what she is feeling, all we know is that she is happy, whats making her happy? 

Well, we are about to find out. 

Jennie POV 

"Hey, Lis. Goodmorning! I took Justin to school already, and made breakfast . Wanna join me??" Jennie asks 

"Ooo. Looks good! But I am so sorry, Jen. Maybe some other time?? I am going to be late, I have a really important meeting today. But uhh.. I will be the one to pick Justin up later." Lisa says as she hugs Jennie goodbye 

Jennie thinks to herself "Day 3482930239842 of having an important meeting, I guess" as she starts eating her food 

That afternoon Jennie receives a text from Lisa.. 

"Jen, I am so sorry. I got caught up and I realized that I won't be able to pick Justin up on time." Lisa texts 

"Sure, Lis. Thanks for telling me right away, I will leave in a bit to pick him up. See you tonight. :)" Jennie replies 

"Great! Take the kiddo out for some ice cream, I think I left some money by the dining table you could use that. See you later!" Lisa says

Jennie walks over to the dining table and grabs the money Lisa left, she also noticed something strange, it was a picture of Lisa and some girl in an office event. There was a note written behind it "Thank you for making me happy, Babe."... and just like that, Jennie's heart sank.. but what right does she have, they aren't anything. 

It was around 11pm when Lisa got home.. she smelled of alcohol. She opened the door only to see Jennie reading a book and Justin sleeping on her lap on the couch. 

"Oh you're home." Jennie says "Yeah sorry I wasn't able to let you know that I was going to be a little late tonight." Lisa says 

Jennie gets up and picks Justin up "No worries, Lis. Justin fell asleep here coz he was waiting for you to come home. He just fell asleep don't worry." she says 

"You want me to bring him up?" Lisa offers 

"No no. I got him. Go rest Lisa, I'll see you tomorrow." She smiles and makes her way up

Lisa POV 

Lisa made her way to the guest room when she noticed that there was a picture of her and Mina on the table from the event they went to. She assumes Jennie must have seen this already. 

Before going to her room she decided to pay Jennie a visit. 

*knock knock* She opens the door 

"Hey, Lisa. You need anything?" Jennie smiles 

"Uhm, do you mind if we talk out here for a bit. I don't want Justin to wake up." Lisa responds 

"Sure!" Jennie says as she steps out of the room and follows Lisa to the table 

"So... I am guessing you saw this." She shows Jennie the picture 

"Uhh.. Yeah. I saw it earlier. But don't worry, Lis. If you're happy then so am I. But uh.. if she is the reason you leave early or come home late. You can just tell me, you're seeing her so I'll know how to plan my schedule around Justin." Jennie says calmly 

"So its okay with you? That I am seeing someone?" Lisa says 

"I don't have the right to tell you not to, Lis. I have made a mistake before trying to beg you to come back to me, and I almost lost you. If anything I am lucky that you come home to Justin everyday, and that is more than enough for me. As long as he sees you home. You have nothing to worry about, your life outside of this house, is yours." Jennie says as she stands up 

Lisa grabs her hand and it makes Jennie look at her..Her eyes... you couldn't read them... it was just not normal.. but regardless Lisa said "Thank you, Jennie." as she lets go of her arm, gets up and closes the door to the guest room

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