Chapter thirteen!!!!

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In the moors waited an inpatient Maleficent. "Oh beastie where are you?" She sighs. Not long after beautiful Aurora arrived. "Aurora my dear I have to tell you something" Maleficent says. "You can tell me anything fairy godmother! I'm almost sixteen, come to think of it, when I'm older I want to live here with you!"She says with a wide smile. "Why wait till you're older, you can stay here now!" Maleficent says. "Really!?" Aurora says in Excitement. " I can pick wild berries, and eat them for dinner, and all the creatures of the moors can be my friends," she says. "Until tomorrow my dear" Maleficent says. And with that Aurora went off into the forest.

(Y/N)'s part

"It's hard getting used to these" You say stretching your wings. "I wonder if I still know how to fly?" You say. you smile and glance over towards the cliff. With a crack of your knuckles, you sprint off the cliff falling straight down. Little did she know that Diaval was standing near a tree, watching her. "What on earth!!" Diaval screams rushing towards the cliff. "(Y/N)!!!" He yells, feeling panic raise in his chest. A few seconds pass, (Y/N) flies up into the air, startling him. He sighs in relief. "You nearly scared me half to death!" He states. "I thought I lost you" he adds looking down. You drop down beside your lover and grab his chin gently. "My love, you'll never lose me" you say softly kissing him. He blushes. "Don't leave me," Diaval says, cupping your face with his soft hands. "I will never ever leave you" You say with a smile. He leans in and kisses you. "Well well, I see that you two are having fun" Maleficent says, appearing behind the two. They both pull away in panic. "Oh mistress I-I didn't see you there" Diaval says blushing, rubbing the back of his neck. "How have your wings been treating you dear?" Maleficent asks (Y/N). "Trying to get the hang of it, it's been a few years since I've actually flown," you say, slightly flapping your wings. "Lots of practice" Maleficent says. "Maybe Diaval could help you" She says, raising her eyebrow. "I could" He says with a smile. "Alright then!" You said excitedly. "Have fun" Maleficent laughs walking away. "So what's the first step" you ask. "Trust your wings, make sure you know they won't let you fall" He says. You spread your wings out and flapped them, your feet rising off the ground. You nod. "When you take off make sure you glide, if you flap too long you'll get tired" He says. Diaval walks towards your wings and feels the soft feathers, tracing the gold and green patterns. "Stand strong" he says, flashing a smile. You smile. "What's ne-" but you were cut off by sounds of voices in the woods. "That sounds like Aurora," Diaval says. "And that other voice?" You add. "I wonder if she's in danger!?" You say rushing towards the voices. "(Y/N)!" Diaval yells chasing after you. You stop a few trees back watching Aurora and this stranger talk. " what on earth were you thinking!? You can't just run into danger like that, I don't want anything happening to you" Diaval says walking behind you. "Shh" you state listening to the two teenagers talk. Diaval looks out to where you were looking.

"Hello, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm on my way to King Stefan's castle and I've become hopelessly lost," the teenage boy states. "It's that way. The castle. What's your name?" Aurora Asks. "It's Phillip," he says. "Hello Phillip" Aurora says with a smile. "What's yours?" He asks. "Aurora". "Hello Aurora"He says with a smile. "Well it was nice meeting you, and my apologies for bothering you" he says. "You're forgiven," she says. "That's good!" He says getting on his horse. "I'd best be off then, good bye" he smiles. "Will you be back this way?" Aurora Asks. "Nothing could stop me," He says. "Then I'll see you soon," she says. "Very soon". "Goodbye Phillip". "Goodbye for now" and with that he left. "(Y/N) dear could you go get me some berries by the stream" Maleficent says, popping up behind us. "Of course" you say. You walk off to the stream and fetch the berries.

(Third person's pov)

"Stop doing that!" Maleficent states, looking at Diaval. "What!?" He says. "Looking at me in that way" she says. "Well! That boys the answer" he says. "No, Diaval" she says looking down. "Yes! True love kiss remember! It can break the spell" he says. "True loves kiss, have you not worked it out yet? I cursed her that way because there is no such thing" she replies. "Well that's what you might feel, but I've met my true love!" Diaval says. "But what about Aurora? That boy could be her only chance!" He adds. Maleficent raises her hand. "Go ahead, turn me into whatever you want! A bird a worm. I don't care anymore" Diaval says walking away.

(Y/N) POV :)

"I've collected enough berries for Maleficent, Diaval and I, maybe it's time to go back to the cottage" You say placing the rag filled with berries into your pocket. You unfold your wings and start to flap them, lifting yourself off the ground. You get into the air and start to glide through the clouds. "I've forgotten how fun this is!" You laugh, feeling the wind through your hair. You fly a little lower now, looking over the forest and parts of the kingdom. But before you knew it you heard a hissing sound approaching you. The next thing you felt was pain in your left wing... You slowly fall towards the ground, hitting it with a thud. You look at your wing, three arrows stuck, followed by men surrounding you. Your vision went black......

HELLO MY LOVES IM SO HAPPY I POSTED!!! I will update regularly I promise, school is just pulled up bc of the whole sickness going around so a lot is happening but anywho love you guys please vote and comment!!!!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕✨⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️

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