Chapter Sixteen

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   -Misaki's P.O.V-

        I'm glad I kinda cleared things up with Asuna. Today, Kirito, Asuna, and I agreed to just take the day off and lay back a bit after yesterday's battle. There's a forest behind my apartment building that I haven't explored yet, and we all decide to go hunting. I put on my new armor that I got from the battle where I died. It's supposed to be a match with Kisaka's Sky Haven one. It's name is unknown. But it's actually as good as my Dawnstar armor. I sit on my couch and just wait for Kirito. Asuna said that she would be a little late and I got a message from Kirito saying that he's on his way. 

        There's a knock on my door and I run to open it. It's both Kirito and Asuna. They greet me and I lead them to the forest. We pass by a rose bush and a few other flower bushes and I stumble upon the main path. I turn back and start to walk backwards and face both Kirito and Asuna. We chat about our lives outside of Sword Art Online.

        "I actually play video games for a living..." I laugh and Kirito smiles. "I have no social life." We all chuckle for a bit.

        "How old are you?" Asuna asks me. Kirito looks at me curiously, I know that he wants to know my age too. I roll my eyes.

        "I, uh..." I start and walk into a tree. "Feh, fifteen." I rub the back of my head with one eye closed. The both of them share a look and communicate with their minds or something. I lean against the tree, cross my arms and look around the area. I spot a deer in the  distance and pull out my bow and walk towards it I aim, and was just about to release the bowstring when a little girl comes into range. I let go but quickly aim at the grown and miss the little girl. She stares at me confused, then smiles and runs to me. I look back at Kirito and Asuna who seem to be arguing about something.

        "You're Misaki, right?" The girl asks me, I don't say anything. "I'm Kumaru!" She's so cute, looks about eleven to me, black hair, tied up in a high, long side ponytail, she has really pretty blue eyes. She smiles brightly at me and I smile back at her, then look down at what she's wearing. A pale blue kimono adorned with pastel colored flowers, something that I would definitely wear. 

        "Are you alone?" I ask her, she nods and continues to smile. I take her hand and lead her back to the two people who wont shut up in the moment. They stop fighting and look over at Kumaru and I, shocked, surprised, I don't know, they have some weird mixed emotions going on here. Kumaru's smile fades as she lays eyes on Asuna and immediately charges at her I hold her back and drub her back to my apartment.

        "I'll... Umm... Be right back!" I yell over my shoulder as I pull a trashing Kumaru behind me. I open up my door and walk in the set her down on one of my couches. She pouts and crosses her arms while I close my front door. "What was that about?"

        "She killed Kisaka! I was planning to just slap her, but you held me back. Why?"

        "She's my friend..." I trail off.

        "Pfft, friend. Yeah right! You we're just being nice, that's all." I look at her, curious.

        "How do you know about this?"

        She huffs, uncrosses her arms, and sits up. "I... Umm." I raise one eyebrow and stare her down as she thinks. I don't know who this little girl thinks she is. But she's right. I was only being nice to Asuna, I just didn't want to make matters worse between us and make a scene back there. But Kumaru knows too much. I've never seen her before and she knows about Kisaka's death, and... And how I feel about Asuna. I tap my foot impatiently and inhale and exhale loudly. Kumaru sighs again and blinks at me. I tilt my head while looking at her and she messes around with her fingers.

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