The Pull

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I awoke screaming in a cold sweat again. not that it was a surprise, not to me and not even to charlie. this had become the norm over the past four months since Edward had left. maybe if it had been just him i would have been able to move on. but when he left he took my whole world with him. he took everyone who was essential to my life- except charlie - he took my pixie like best friend and sister Alice. he took my big brother Emmett, who i never knew i needed but some how couldn't seem to go on with out. he also took Carlisle and Esme the only real parents i had ever known - you know the kind that took care of me instead of the other way around.

i sat there in bed with my eyes closed - as i did every morning - sending up a silent prayer to who ever was listening that when i opened my eyes i would see that the last four months were all just a dream - no scratch that a horrible nightmare - and every thing would be back to the way it was. but as usual it didn't work. so i forced myself to get out of bed and go down the hall to get a shower. after all it was Friday and i still had to go to school. i should be excited that today was Friday like all the other kids would be but the problem was that they were excited because their weekends would be filled with dates to the movies with their new boyfriends or trips to the mall with their girlfriends - while mine would be filled with .... nothing. and for some reason that was still depressing even though this too had become the norm over the past few months. in fact it had taken less than a month for my human friends to abandon their attempts to bring me out of my depression at the loss of Edward Cullen.

after my shower , i put my hair in a ponytail , pulled a hoodie over my head, put on my skinny jeans and descended the stairs. charlie had already left for the station. no big surprise, it seemed like he almost lived there now. so i sat at the table and ate my breakfast in silence, while once again losing myself in thoughts of my time with the Cullens. when i was finished, i washed my dishes. then i pulled on my boots and grabbed my bag and keys , locking the door behind me.

it was pouring rain again but i took no notice. i walked slowly to my truck letting the rain soak through me and took the scenic route to school. not for the scenery but because if i were late for school there was less of a chance that someone would try to talk to me. talking to people other than charlie was something i avoided at all costs. my plan worked and by the time i got to school everyone else was already in class. the school day passed as it always does, i sat in class day dreaming of the Cullens until it was time to write down my assignment and move on to the next class. the only exception was gym.

when the school day was finally over i walked straight to my truck and headed to the grocery store to pick up food for the week for me and charlie. i tried to waste as much time as possible at the store knowing that charlie would be working late again and the last thing in the world that i needed was more time alone with my thoughts.

when i got home i went to the kitchen and put away my purchases. then i started on charlie's dinner. when i finished i realized i had only managed to waste two hours since school had let out. i sat the table and started on my home work. i was actually thankfull for the extremely long and complicated trig. assignment. it kept my mind on the complicated math problems and off of the huge hole they had left both in my heart and my social life. when i was finished i moved on to the book report that wasnt due for another three weeks. i had decided that my subject would be Wuthering Heights. it was my favorite book and though i had read it atleast a thousand times, it was still easy for me to lose myself within its pages. even if it was only temporary.

when charlie came home, i quickly cleared my homework from the table and returned my bag to my room. when i got back down stairs, i set the table for our dinner. we sat down to eat and i tried as i always did to appear as content and happy as possible. i knew i wasnt fooling anyone but i had this idea that if i kept up the act, maybe one day we would both belive it. after dinner charlie informed me that he would be leaving in the morning for an all weekend fishing trip. i wished him luck , then said goodnight and headed up to my room.

when i got there i changed into my pajamas, grabbed my book, and climbed into my bed. i read for about an hour and then realized i couldnt put it off any longer. i sat my book on my bedside table, shut off the light and cried my self to sleep as usual. 

when i woke up the next morning i knew that something had changed. at first i couldnt remember where i was. after a few moments had passed , it started to come back to me.

- leaving arizona to allow my mother her happiness - coming to stay with charlie in forks - a new school - that beautiful bronze haired boy in biology - edward saving my from the van - discovering the truth about the cullens - james' attack - my disaterous 18th birthday - edward leaving me in the woods -

the realization was horrible, i could feel all of the pain, abandonment, loneliness, and heart break ripping open the forgotten hole in my chest. but at the exact moment i thought i was about to snap under the pressure of it all, i heard a loud knock at the door.

that was strange, the only person who ever comes over was billy to see charlie. he should know that charlie wont be home. he always goes fishing on saturdays. i went down stairs to look out the window but i didnt see any cars that was weird . but the person at the door kept knocking , so i went to answer it.

as soon as i opened the door i regreted it. i was starring straight into topaz eyes. the only problem was, they werent the eyes i had been praying for every morning for the last four months. i tried to slam the door (although i dont know why , its not like i could out run him) but something in his voice stopped me .

"bella please just give me a few moments of your time"

a/n: so.... what do you think? who do you think is at bella's house? who do you want it to be? thoughts? comments? criticsism?? tell me what you think .. sorry its kinda short and a cliffy but your thoughts are super important to me so please let me know what you think!

oh and all right go to stephanie meyer i do not own anything...

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