Chapter 10 - Break-in

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Trapped in a small cell, Sam beats her fists against the bars, desperate to escape, desperate to get back to her mother. Doe eyes, dark with sadness and regret, tears threatening to spill. Images of her mother haunt her. She knows they always will. She remembers the back of the van, the screeching of the tires as it drove it away from her home, her family, her safety. She hits harder at the bars, screaming and crying. The need to be home engulfs her heart, her body wracked with sobs as she screams harder.

Sam snapped herself out of the memory. She remembers the symbol so clearly. It was painted on the side of the van that took her, on the uniforms of the men who surrounded her in the prison, on the needles that injected her and the guns she was forced to use. DIR. Department of Inhuman Research. She had sworn to get revenge on the people who had made her life hell, and she had. Very Wolverine style. She was sure she had taken them out, cut them off by the feet. But the compound in front of her was evidence that she'd failed. They were still out there, blackmailing werewolves pack across the globe to give up their young for experimentation. Every time painting a beautiful picture to the pained families to justify their actions.

Sam's anger rose with memories. These people were the reason for her nightmares and her insecurities. Her inability to form close connections and trust the people around her. Her incapability of attending any mating season for fear that her mate would run from who she truly was.

Her hatred fuelled her anger and she bathed in the emotion, feeling it give her power. But she reigned it in. She was a cold-blooded assassin; she had killed before and she would kill again. To kill again she needed to be collected. Anger led to errors, and she'd be trained not to make mistakes. She'd promised herself she would never kill innocents again, so she would need to control her actions once inside, only kill those who deserved it, those in charge. Those who were blindly following orders didn't deserve to die, they deserved a fright to knock them out of their stupidity but definitely not death. 

No one deserves to die. Aiden's words ring in her head, a clear memory from their first meeting when she'd questioned why they hadn't killed the men who attacked her. She'd felt guilt for the first time when she heard those words, had seen her actions in a different light. That's when she'd made the promise to herself, vowing to become a new person.

I have to do this she convinced herself, those are bad people who will only torture young supernaturals if I don't act. This is for the greater good. Yet the slight feeling of guilt she felt when she considered what she had to do wouldn't disappear. Sighing she closed her eyes.

I'm sorry but I have to do this, the words rang out in her mind, mainly to herself, but she also felt the words fly through the mind link. She hadn't directed them at the twins so hopefully they wouldn't hear her.

Turning back towards the window, she switched off. She disconnected her emotions, as she had been taught to do, becoming the cold, controlling Alpha she truly was. Her eyes glowed blood red, her canines extended and claws elongated. She propelled herself upwards, landing niftily on the roof of the main building. She would normally directly attack the courtyard, bringing everyone immediately into the fight, and thus guarding the main entrance from any attempted escapes. But this would result in a large number of fatalities. So she would target the buildings individually, dropping down through the skylights and quickly moving through the rooms, eliminating the men as she moved. She targeted the control room first. This was normally located in the most secure location, presumably the central building, as this would reduce the chance of it being attacked whilst enabling maintained control over gates, cameras and traps.

Sam stealthily moved through the corridors. At the first intersection she peered around the corner. Two guards. She ran towards them, moving faster than they could respond, sliding to the floor as she reached them. She propelled herself to her feet using the momentum to knock her right elbow into the trachea of one guard. Spinning, she aimed a kicked at the temple of the other guard. They fell to the ground in unison, completely unconscious. Picking up a rifle she continued her progression. The corridor intersected and she hesitated. She selected a direction at random, taking down two more guards as she moved. They wouldn't be unconscious for long so she had to move faster. Reaching a room at the end, she realised that the buildings were symmetrically and that the corridors were T-shaped. She couldn't hear anyone on the other side of the door so she opened it to reveal a set of stairs leading down to the basement.

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