Chapter 10

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That big doe eyes, that small face, the sharp jawline and that soft bunny smile—how can she forget that. The handsome magenta haired boy she saw at the beach back in Osaka. The sweet and polite man she spent days together around the town, acting like best friends or sometimes, accidental lovers. How can she ever forget that particular handsome man?

She couldn't feel herself breathing that moment as her chest feels tight and heavy.  Her throat feels narrow, blocking the last bit of oxygen for her to even breathe. She tried but it feels like she has forgotten how to. Her eyes blinked too many times, wishing everything would disappear when she opened her eyes at every blink. But no, he is still there.

He is still there, holding her phone in his hand and a soft smile appears on his face.

He looks surprised, his clear eyes looking so much bigger than usual

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He looks surprised, his clear eyes looking so much bigger than usual. His bunny smile looks wider, almost reaching ear to ear. There's a glint of excitement in his beaming pair of eyes, and a little hint of shock too.

"Sara...?", he broke the deafening silence between them. "You're...Sara, right?"

Oh shit

"Y-Yes...", she heard herself say, not believing her own voice. "I-I am"

Jungkook's eyes becomes bigger as he looks at her, more like staring at her. He blinked a few times, looking as if he is seeing something out of ordinary.

"I knew it was you", he says softly, loud enough for them to hear. "I thought I was seeing things that day"

Sara shook her head, not getting his words

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Sara shook her head, not getting his words. "W-What?"

"I think I saw you in the library few days ago. I wasn't sure it was you because...", he chuckles, pointing at her black hair. "Barely recognize you without your blond hair"

Sara suddenly feels anxious, her heart suddenly beating fast and her mind wiped out. She couldn't think as she feels her hands suddenly clammy, and her skin too tight. She needs to run, she needs to leave, she just needs to disappear right now.

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