Chapter 24

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Sara has been tossing herself on her bed for about an hour or so, unable to calm her restless mind. Whenever she closes her eyes, her mind just decided to wander all the way back to two years ago and the familliar feeling of regret crawling back to her.

She did the breathing exercise Sophie taught her; breathing in and out slowly ten times, short intervals in between. You know, that slow breathing exercise whenever people want to calm themselves. Except that, for this one, you have to sit up right, fold your legs and put your hands on your thighs. Almost like a meditation but not quiet.

She has done that but to no avail.

"I want to sleep, just let me sleep", she gave up and got off her bed instead.

She sits at the edge of her bed, staring at her dim room as she tries to empty her mind. Slowly, one thought at a time while breathing in and out very slowly. She feels herself getting sleepy with the lack of lighting in her room, but her mind will not shut down.

She remembers how everyone has countlessly reminded her to just give them a call or send them a text whenever she couldn't sleep and starts thinking too much. Everyone here refers to her small circle of reliable people; Yuna, Erina, Sophie, Namjoon and Yoongi. Yes, they said that.

"We are always one call away"

Yoongi always said that to her whenever he catches her drifting away in her own messy thoughts. A reliable man he is. Yoongi rarely shows what he has in his head but when he does, it's nothing but a comforting embrace. Everything he says are just the epitome of comfort. Sara loves him for that. And she can't deny, her life wouldn't be like this without Yoongi in the circle.

"I should text Yoongi"

Whispering to herself as she stretches her hand for her phone, she jumped to the sudden sound of her message notification.

You received a text message from Cherrykoo

Cherrykoo :

Are you awake...?🧐

Sara's mouth flung open as she reads Jungkook's sudden text. She looks at the time again and gasped when she realized it's almost 3 in the morning. Battling her eyelashes, trying to process everything she looks at the name of the sender again.

Yes, it is Jungkook. Cherrykoo.

Sara :

Why are you awake?

Cherrykoo :

I don't know, I have strong feeling you're awake, so I texted. Are you having trouble sleeping?😨

Sara :

Kind of. Why are you still awake? Its 3 am?

Cherrykoo :

Hmmm interesting question. Do you want an honest answer or a cheeky one?😬

Sara :

Excuse me what do you mean by a cheeky one?

Cherrykoo :

Choose 😬😬😬😬😬😬


What game are you playing....💀

Cherrykoo :

This is called the approaching game. Okay, now chooseeeee😬

Just Like Summer ( Jeon Jungkook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now