Chapter 11

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"Why can't you stop trying to be so good? You're not good for me. You're not enough for me. I am not the person you should like. I can't be with you. We can't be together. We are not good enough for each other. You can't be with me. You need to stop trying to help me. I am a conflicted person. I think too much. I overthink. So, don't try to be good and try to even help me. You can't do anything for me. Stop everything"

Those words replay in her head whenever she wakes up from a bad dream. Those dreams haunt her like her own terrifying shadow. It follows her everywhere but as time passes, it has become faint.

But Sara remembers every word he said. How can one forget such hurtful words that shattered her entire being?

Waking up in cold sweat, panting softly as she tries to brush those dark thoughts away. Sara looked at the time, groaning when she realized it is way too early for her to wake up. It's not even 4 am yet, and she is wide awake. Thanks to the nightmare she had, rarely she goes back to sleep fearing the dream would continue.

Stepping onto the cold floor, she reached for her scrunchy and quickly ties her hair as she gets up. Lazily dragging her feet out of her room, startled when she sees the television is on. Hoseok is on the couch, munching on some chips as his eyes glued to the bright screen.

Spotting her sister standing at the side, he paused the movie he was watching and looks at her. "Sara, are you okay?"

He knows her sister too well

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He knows her sister too well. She must have had her usual nightmares. Thus, this sight is no stranger to him.

"Do you want to sit with me?", he pats on the empty seat beside him, putting the almost empty packet of chips on the table.

"Why are you not asleep yet?"

"I drank too much coffee during work today. My eyes are still fresh", he cleared the seat, pushing the pillows to the side and gestured her to join him. "Come here"

 "Come here"

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Just Like Summer ( Jeon Jungkook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now