Chapter 21

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Jungkook's brain stopped entirely as he stares at Namjoon, his doe eyes bulging and his mouth flung open. He didn't move for a few seconds, not even till Namjoon is already out of sight. It took him a while to recover from the revelation. He couldn't even speak nor think of anything. He stood there frozen, staring at the empty hallway of his own house

He quickly turns around, searching for Sara and saw her sitting down beside Hoseok, her brother. Not her boyfriend, but her brother.

He had to take one long breathe, calming himself before finally walking towards her. He stops a few feet away from her, shaking his head slightly thinking about he got played by her.

"Playful, aren't you?", he arched an eyebrow, looking down at her sitting on the floor.

"Playful, aren't you?", he arched an eyebrow, looking down at her sitting on the floor

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"Excuse me?"

"I'll let it pass"

Sara looks up at him, spotting the glint of playfulness on his small face. She then got to her feet, dusting her clothes before meeting his eyes again.

"What are you saying?"

Jungkook slowly walks towards her, surprised again when she didn't move from her spot. When he finally stands right in front of her, he remembers how small she would look around him. She instantly looks so fragile, her features look softer and her scent begins to linger around him.

He remembers her scent. That soft sweet vanilla smell, so intoxicating yet calming at times. She always smells like vanilla and he kind of loves that smell now. Whenever he smells something vanilla, it automatically reminds him of her.

"So, you're not going to ask me to leave you alone?"

Sara flinched at the question, her eyes quickly turning to look at Yoongi

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Sara flinched at the question, her eyes quickly turning to look at Yoongi. Relieved when she sees him still deep in slumber. Her eyes shift to Jungkook again, crossing her arms as she sighs.

"I am in your house"

"Unfortunately, it seems"

Rolling her eyes at him, Sara quickly turns around wanting to wake her brother up again.

Just Like Summer ( Jeon Jungkook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now