Chapter 46

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Cherrykoo is calling


Her thumbs hover over the screen on her phone for a while but out of panic, her thumb accidentally tapped on 'answer' and their calls are now connected.

"Shit", she stares at her phone, swallowing slowly as she brings her phone to her ear.

"Hello?", his soft voice heard through the speaker. "Sara?"

"Hi", she clears her throat, fidgeting on her bed, trying to look calm as if he could see her through the call.

"Were you debating if you should answer my call just now?", she heard him say, with a soft chuckle at the end of his sentence.

"Hey—No—I was just—nevermind", she sighs heavily, frustrated when she couldn't even speak properly.

"Got your earphones?"

"Why do you need—nevermind, I have it. Hold on", she puts her phone on her lap, plugging her earphones into the slot and putting the earbuds on each ear. "Got it"

"Good", she heard a rustling sound, assuming he is on his bed too. "Now, we can talk"


"Sara, I called you, to talk to you", he laughs lowly. "Hmmm, give me a second"

Sara drums her fingers on her thigh, biting her bottom lip as she listens to the sound of his soft breathing through the phone

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Sara drums her fingers on her thigh, biting her bottom lip as she listens to the sound of his soft breathing through the phone.

"Alright, sent!"


You received a text message from Cherrykoo

She taps on the text and finds herself looking at a photo with purple and yellow lights illuminating from the lanterns caught in the shot. Squinting her eyes as she brings her phone closer, eyes straining due to the bright light of her phone in contrast to her dark room. The walkway beneath the beautiful lanterns seems familiar, only realizing a few seconds later that this is a photo from Osaka—Bon Odori.

"It's from Osaka. I have been meaning to share more photos...", he clears his throat. "Have you seen it?"

"I am looking at it", she smiles at the photo, suddenly missing the summertime all over again. "It's beautiful"


"You're actually really good with cameras", she heard herself say with a contented smile, bringing her photo even closer to her face.

Just Like Summer ( Jeon Jungkook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now