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Yeonjun lays down in his bed looking up in the ceiling. He saw Soobin run away from him after knowing the truth. Yeonjun is feeling uneasy on how Soobin reacted to knowing the past that they both despise. But Yeonjun already saw it coming.

Soobin calmed down from crying after being comforted by his sister. The memories of his past life are still fresh in his mind. He wants to run away and just recollect his self. He wants to feel ease and to be alone,to accept his past. He knows himself that he hurt Yeonjun because he left him without letting him tell what happened. Soobin just got shocked because of the memories of his past flashing before his eyes that made him scared and run away.

I need to go to school.

I need to-fuck school.

I'm to scared to show up in school and see him.

What if he ignores me?

Beomgyu better not ditch me later for Taehyun and Kai.

I twisted the door knob of my classroom to be greeted by my classmates running around shouting. I walk through the chaotic scene infront of me to my seat. There my eyes landed on Soobin doodling on his sketch book. He looked away from his sketch book and we made eye contact. He quickly looked away and putted away his sketch book. I took the seat beside him. I was about to open my mouth and ask him if he's mad at me. But this mother fuckin Huening Kai interrupted me. He faced us and smiled. "Guys I have news to tell you!" He said excitedly. Taehyun faced him and gave him a dont-you-dare-do-it-bitch-or-else-but-i-love-you look. Kai just grinned and Beomgyu also joined. We waited for him to open his mou-"Me and Taehyun are dating" It's actually not news to us since we know it already. They were being obvious. And wow I feel so single and also wow I'm sitting beside my lover in my past life.

The teacher kicked the door open with a big grin in his face. "Hello my students! I want you guys to welcome new transfer students. Come on in guys." Three boys came in. Soobin and I looked at each other with widened eyes. Soobin nudged me "Bitch do you see this?!" He whispered shouted. "I can see. I'm not blind. But....i know it was in our past life but like I still have this grudge." I replied to him surprised as he talked to me. "I know but who's the other guy?"

"Hello everyone my name is Taehyung Kim. And I want to be a farmer."

"Hello I think I'm Handsome no I am handsome. I'm Kim Seokjin and just call me Jin."

"Hello I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm lucky to have these two to be my friends."

Ey everybody I made a short chapter because I suddenly wanted to update. But what do you think will happen? I'm still having a fight with my mind if I'm gonna make the three remember their past life tho or just like let them be. Well we'll see on the next chapter. And I think the end is near.
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