Chapter 1

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There was a young girl that lived a very peaceful life she had everything any little girl needed; friends, family that loved her and a best friend whom she grew up with and were so close. But of course not everyone likes you so she was despised by one young girl. There was just one little problem, this good little girl would see another girl come to her room every night. She was always very afraid of her, but didn't know who to tell. Till one day she gathered up her courage;
Girl: wait! [The ghost girl stops] who are you? What do you want?
Ghost: I am Melody your reciprocal
Girl: what
Melody: haven't you learnt about it
Girl: I did, but I thought it was a lie
Melody: it is not
Girl: can I see Arth
Melody: sure, come with me [they left together]
It was a very beautiful place way more advanced than her planet
Girl: but how.....
Melody: we are connected there's a gate way that connects our planets. So you can come here at any time and so can I
Girl: wow, I can see everyone here
Melody: yes but it's not for long when we return, you and I will not remember what we see here
Girl: why?
Melody: that's just how it is
Girl: oh my, Chance has no reciprocal
Melody: yes, she died at the age of five because Chance was too mean
Girl: and Henry likes me! [In shock]
Melody: [laughs] yes, okay I've shown you around now let's go [they leave]
Girl: your world is really nice..................... Oh I'm........
Melody: Aadris, I know your name we were born on the same day at the same time and we have plenty things in common.
All grew up into brilliant people, the hatred never died out. Aadris and Melody lived like twins. It is now twelve years later all three went to the same university, of course Chance was just following Henry. Henry and Aadris continued being the best friends they have always been. Reciprocals do not go to school since their world is advanced enough. They all are in their second year of education. Aadris goes to meet her only friend Henry
Henry: Aadri!!
Aadris: hey hen
Henry: my mom is lending me her car today [excited]
Adris: really!
Henry: yeah
Aadris: oh yeah! [They do their secret hand shake] so....
Henry: [he sits at the top of the barrack] so, today we don't have to walk
Aadris: ............ [Stares at him]
Henry: yeah remember we meet up every Thursday just you and me
Aadris: I know.....
Henry: so I'll come pick you up
Aadris: yes......
[Lecturer gets in]
Lecturer: alright....... [Class goes on]
After their classes Aadris and Henry walk together to the station. They're still walking through the school corridors
Henry: Aadri so where are we going
Aadris: how about the park, where we...
Henry: oh yeah where our parents would take us when we were kids
Aadris: hen how's Chase by the way haven't seen him in a while
Henry: he's okay today he'll be my driver
Aadris: [laughs] Chase, as in the same Chase agreed to...... What [laughs]........
Henry: of course I had to bribe him [laughs]
Aadris: [looks at him with a shocked facial expression and a smile] makes sense now that's the Chase I kno.......
Chance walks by.
Chance: [pushes Aadris and forces herself to be in between them] Henry!! I missed you!!
Henry: please, Chance I told you.....
Chance: oh Henry, sweet, sweet......
Aadris: give it up Chance, since childhood....
Chance: it's called lov........
Henry: [removes her hands from his shoulders] can't you see....
Chance: what is she your girlfriend?
Aadris: n........
Henry: yes, finally and today I'm taking her out on a date
Aadris: what [looks at him while he gives her a signal to just play along by tapping her on her hand]
Aadris: .......... Yes we are
Chance: oh really prove it.......... Kiss her
Aadris: wha..... [Henry pecks Aadris on the cheek while she silently steps on his leg and he swallows the pain. Then they both look at Chance and smile so fake and wide]
Chance: no on her lips
Aadris: are you....... [Henry turns to face Aadris]
Henry: [whispers] Aadri come on
Aadris: [whispers] NO!!
Chance: I'm waiting
Henry: ..........
Chance: I knew it....
[Henry just pulls Aadris by force and kisses her. Aadris gives him an eye and he turned back to face her]
Henry: see now leave us alone!
Chance: hm...... [Leaves but is upset]
Aadris: .............
Henry: Aad.....
Aadris: don't..... [She walks away]
Henry: come on I'm sorry
Aadris goes home where she stays only with Melody since she left her parents back home. She's in a boarding university, they all are.
Melody: you're back how was it?
Aadris: .............
Melody: Aadris!
Aadris: Chance....
Melody: again that girl needs to give up, what happened this time
Aadris: usual problem, Henry lied to her we're dating she said prove it, he pecked me she didn't buy it
Melody: then
Aadris: Henry had......... to kiss me
Melody: WHAT!!!!!!!!!! You kissed Henry as in Henry
Aadris: yes that's when she left
Melody: .......... [Smiling]
Aadris: what
Melody: so... how was it
Aadris: oh no, no, no [she walks away into the kitchen and Melody follows]

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