Final chapter

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Aadris wonders where Melody and her family could be. She receives a call from her mom.......

Mom: Aadris where are you? [Sounding worried]
Aadris: in Arth looking for Melody, I can’t find her so I was about to go to a hospital I don’t feel so good mom
Mom: Aadris [cries]
Aadris: mom is everything okay [gets worried]
Mom: come to the main hospital
Aadris: hospital?! Mom what are you doing in the hospital?
Mom: hurry honey, okay where are you? I’ll come get you.
Aadris: no, I’ll come to you.
Mom: please hurry my child [cries]
Aadris: wait, which main hospital?
Mom: in Arth.
Aadris: okay, I’m coming.

Aadris goes to the hospital and finds that Melody has been poisoned which explains her weakness.
Doctor: Mrs Willan…..
Aadris: it’s Miss Evans
Doctor: come with me [they move together] nurse clear room three our patient has arrived
Mom: [she comes] my baby! [Cries]
Aadris: mom [feels very dizzy and faints]

She is carried to her room. Both reciprocals for Aadris’ parents were there including Thomas, his Reciprocal, Melody’s parents and their reciprocals from earth. The doctors do everything they can to save Melody. After a couple hours Melody starts responding to treatment and gets better. She is discharged though Aadris was still a bit weak.

Doctor: she will be okay, both her and the baby.....
Melody: baby?
Doctor: yes she’s pregnant.
Aadris’ mom: [excited] did you hear that?
Melody’s mom: we’re grandparents for another.

All the parents are excited about the good news while Melody and Thomas are a little worried. While back in earth Joel finds out what’s really going on after spending time watching Chance and tries calling Aadris or Melody but can’t reach them hence he calls Henry.

Chase: why did you do it?
Henry: look I don’t know something doesn’t add up, I just had a glass of wine next thing I woke up finding her next to me. Believe me .........
Chase: are you sure?
Henry: yes…. [Phone rings] hello......
Joel: Henry, where are you?
Henry: who’s this?
Joel: I’ll explain when we meet. Where’s Chase?
Henry: [surprised] he’s with me
Joel: good. Come with him I’m parked outside your work place.
Henry: [surprised] okay. [Line cut] Let’s go someone wants to meet us.
Chase: who’s someone?
Henry: I don’t know but he knows you and me.
Chase: okayyyyy [amazed] and you're just going there?
Henry: sounds important.

They go meet up by his work place and finally find who he is.
Henry: oh, Chance’s doing again listen here I chased that freak out of my house I don’t give a damn if she’s carrying my child.......
Chase: let’s go……..
Joel: please hear me out at least
Henry: you and that b**** can go to hell for all I care
Chase: let’s just hear what nonsense he has then we go.
Joel: [Explaining quickly] there’s a man, Tan Willson one of the biggest drug dealers in the state. Him and Chance are together as so I thought. She still wanted to be with you so she paid Tan to get her pregnant and lied to you that it’s yours.
Henry: okay, sounds convincing.
Chase: that doesn’t explain how they ended up in bed together......
Joel: she drugged you, you fell asleep.
Henry: that piece of crap! How far is she willing to go huh? May I ask how you know all this?
Joel: my wife helped me get a job by……….
Chase: oh [laughs] Joel’s married
Joel: yes I am. I got a job by world embassy through Aadris apparently she and Alex are friends.
Chase: you’re married to Alex [surprised]
Joel: yes. Can we focus please, so we talked and I got hired then I noticed Aadris wasn’t okay so I came over to observe Her and saw Chance with Tan. Then I had an idea that it was Chance’s doing.
Henry: ………….. [About to leave]
Chase: where are you going?
Henry: to look for my wife
Joel: I tried calling her before I called you she didn’t pick up.
Chase: of course she wouldn’t.
Joel: hey we’re friends now and Melody didn’t pick up
Henry: why are you doing this?
Chase: yeah, why are you helping us?
Joel: I changed and regret everything I ever did to both you and her. The least I can do is this. Will you get in we’ll use my car instead.
Henry: okay [they left for Melody’s house]

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