Chapter 5

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After a few months of passing around applications to different places for jobs, Tessa and Aadris worked in the company as secretariats in the world embassy hence sometimes they would be sent around the world. In some few cases they would travel together other times separately. As for Henry he worked in the same company but as a CEO of one of their branches in Austria. Aadris and Henry are all Austrians while Tessa is Australian. They lived in Austria, their parents are also Austrians and the Embassy they work for is also in Austria. They were all great able workers and highly recognized. After four years of labour, Henry prepared a birthday party for Aadris. All friends and family were invited at the party where he proposed to her in front of everyone.

Henry: Aadris I have known you all my life. These past five years have been great but I wish to wake up to you, grow old with you and get that dream football team of kids with you [all laugh then he kneels down while she holds her mouth in shock and in tears]
Henry: will you finally grant me my greatest dream, Aadris will you marry me?
Aadris: ……………….
Melody: [whispers to herself] yes….. Say yes [while the other three also wait anxiously. The older folks were silent patiently waiting]
Henry: my Aadri will you…….
Aadris: [while screaming, jumping and crying] YES!! YES!! I will marry you [everyone cheers in excitement while he puts the ring on her finger and carries her from her waist as she stands up and they kiss]
Henry: [says to her] I have loved you always, I love you and I always will
Aadris: love you too Henry [he wipes her tears]

There is a great celebration and then everything just moves fast, a few months later it is their wedding day. Everyone is all smiles and laughs. Everyone was looking their best especially the bride and groom, the church service was exceptional Melody and Tessa were her maids of honour while Chase and Thomas were the best men. Their parents were pleased and so were the other older people available.

Pastor: do you Henry Willan take Aadris Evans to be your lawful wedded wife to love and to hold in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer till death do you part
Henry: I do
Pastor: and do you Aadris Evans take Henry Willan to be your lawful wedded wife to love and to hold in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer till death do you part
Aadris: I do
Pastor: I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride [they did as everyone stood to cheer]

Afterwards there was a great celebration as everyone danced. They went for a week honeymoon and later returned.
It was a year later of marriage for them both, Chase got married, and a few months later Melody got married too. Aadris as usual had a job to handle she travelled abroad while Henry stays back home working. Tessa and Melody gave birth on the same day (they got pregnant before marriage). There was a knock at the door.......

Henry: coming! Just hold on [he walks to the door and opens] Chance
Chance: hey sweet, sweet Henry did you miss me?
Henry: what do you want?
Chance: relax my darling I know you’re so happily married [laughs] I came to visit, can I come in? [pushes herself in]
Henry: [looks at her] ……...
Chance: seriously, it was bad enough you didn’t even invite me the least you can do is allow a visit.
Henry: I’m only doing it because I’m a nice person, but soon you are leaving.
Chance: well of course, of course. So where’s she? [Smiling]
Henry: out working.
Chance: oh [smiles] reallyyyyy, shame I really wanted to see her. Wow, anyway I know I made mistakes but don’t I deserve some wine or at least water mister nice person, oh my Henry [laughs]
Henry: sit, I’ll be back.

[He comes back with two glasses of wine]
Chance: okay, your house is beautiful
Henry: what do you want…..
Chance: Henry I just want to connect it’s been long like five or is it six years since we spoke [laughs]
Henry: [makes a face to show irritation] argh, Chance…….
Chance: okay, fine can I see your wedding pictures and I promise I will leave afterwards.
Henry: ………
Chance: [smiles] come on I'm a different person now, trust me. [He goes to get them while she puts something in his drink. He returns]

Chance: [looking at them] wow, you guys look so happy. Is this how she looks now [laughs] oh my
Henry: ………….
Chance: you’ve been awfully quiet [he drinks his drink]
Henry: if you’re done get out
Chance: [smiles] but I just got here [Henry gets dizzy]
Chance: are you alright….. [He faints on his seat] darling?
Henry: ….[Fainted]

She drags him to bed. The next morning he wakes up.........
Henry: [finds Chance lying on him naked] WHAT!!!!!
Chance: oh darling you’re awake [moves closer to kiss him while he pushes her aside with force and gets up].
Henry: [he is naked] what the hell did you do?!!!
Chance: what are you yelling about you are the one who came to me first, talking about how you wish you married me..........
Henry: NO! NO! NO! Chance, get up and get the f*** OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!
Chance: but sweet, swe…….
Henry: get OUT! You slut!!
Chance: [laughs] mister nice person is kicking me out okay [smiles], I’m leaving but I'll be back [she left]

Henry: [sits on his bed and hits his head] WHY, WHY did I… Argh!!!!!
He calls Aadris on phone.......

Aadris: hey honey I’m rushing for a meeting
Henry: oh, I miss you
Aadris: what’s wrong is everything alright?
Henry: [his eyes get watery] nothing, just wanted to say I love you
Aadris: aww Hen misses me. [Laughs] love you too, coming soon alright
Henry: okay Aadri
Aadris: I have to go okay, bye
Henry: bye [line cut]
Henry feels sad he wants to tell her the truth but is scared to lose her. Later that night Chance sleeps with some random man she meets at a club. A week later she returns.........

Henry: [hears a knock at the door] who’s it?
Chance: [fakes her voice] Hen
Henry: Aadri, why didn’t you [opens the door in excitement] let me pick you……. What do you want!!!!!!!!
Chance: oh sweet, sweet Henr…… [He slams the door in her face]
Chance: I’m pregnant!
Henry: [in fear] WHAT! [He opens the door]
Chance: yes darling and it’s yours, here [gives him her pregnancy results]
Henry: [grabs her by her shirt] whatever game you’re playing quit it!
Chance: does that look like a joke to you Henry! We had something good happen obviously it produces results.
Henry: wait here [he goes in and comes back] take this [a bag of money]
Chance: oh please Henry no [gives him back]
Henry: what the hell do you want huh?!!
Chance: [smiles] marry me too
Henry: are you crazy?!!
Chance: [laughs] or else I will tell your parents and her, but I’m willing to keep it all quiet if you marry me by civil and we live like one big happy family the four of us
Henry: four?
Chance: you, me, her and little Henry [holds her stomach] in here
Henry: …………....

Later on Aadris returns two weeks later. She sent Henry messages of her time of arrival, but Chance deleted before he could see them so she came on her own by taxi she got tired of waiting. There’s a knock at the door........

Aadris: Chance!
Chance: finally my dear you're home [laughs and hugs her, Adrian doesn't return it] Henry darling! .......... Henry!!
Henry: Aa ……. Aadri……
Aadris: what’s going on?
Henry: it’s a long story, [tries to kiss her]
Aadris: [pushes him] no, what is she doing here?
Henry: first let’s get you settled……
Aadris: HENRY! Explain right now!!!
Chance: I’ll tell you sweetie, you see Henry here, is the father of my child so we were waiting for you to arrive so you can be there to witness our civil wedding I’m going to be his second wife [laughs].

Aadris: [voice gets shaky] Henry what is going on?!
Henry: [moves closer to her] Aadris I can explain
Aadris: no, don’t [moves back away from him] ….. Just leave me
Henry: ……. I don’t know how it……. Aadris
Chance: it happened so fast you know these things are, you must be tired Aadris come in [smiles]
Aadris: I see, you love me [laughs sarcastically] you miss me [sheds tears] Henry why?
Henry: Aadris……. [He kneels down and holds her]
Aadris: sir, please put my bags back inside [talking to taxi driver]
Henry: no, Aadris please don’t go

She pushes him away then he pulls her while Chance pulls him.
Henry: Aadris [with shaking voice]
Aadris: [throws the ring towards him and leaves]

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