Chapter two

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Later the same day, Henry arrives outside with his reciprocal. He knocks and Chase steps out while Melody opens the door.
Melody: hey Henry, Chase how are you
Henry: how are you………
Chase: what’s up Mell!
Melody: am okay. Well come in boys
Henry: is she ready
Melody: she’s in bed watching a movie
Chase: you’ve gotta be kidding me
Henry: Aadri!!! [He goes to her room]
Chase: I brought a movie for us [holds up a disc]
Melody: okay [smiles]
Henry: Aadri come on you mean I paid Chase for nothing
Aadris: ………... [Was about to burst in laughter but she holds it]
Henry: you know what, if you don’t talk to me I’m sitting down. [He sat on a couch]
Aadris: [laughs] oh my, is Chase here
Henry: [laughs] yes he is
Aadris: come on let’s go see him
Henry: you’re not even ready to go
Aadris: Hen please
Chase: ohhhhh Aadris!!!!!!
Aadris: ohhhhh Chase!!!! [They hug each other]
Melody: and the madness begins
[Aadris and Chase had a dance they would do while screaming]
Aadris and Chase: ehh ehh ehh ehhh ehhhh!!
Henry: [hits his forehead and shakes his head] oh God
Chase: mahn it’s been a while girl
Aadris: boy, I missed you!
Chase: girl you aren’t ready
Aadris: now that I see you, I’m going to get changed
Henry: and please hurry
Aadris: okay Hen!
Aadris finally gets ready and the three of them leave. Chase drops them off and drives back to Aadris’ place.
Aadris: this place hasn’t changed
Henry: I know right. Do you remember that time when we came here for my tenth birthday and then on that slide…..
Aadris: [laughs] you moved by the edge and…….
Together: and fell off [they laugh]
Aadris: I laughed so hard and instead of you crying…..
Henry: actually I was about to cry, then I saw you laughing and I chased you around
Aadris: what [laughs]
Henry: yeah by the time I caught you, I ended up laughing too [laughs]
Aadris: those were the days. Or that time I slipped on the grass [laughs]
Henry: [laughs out] yeah, it was my pay back.
Both: [laugh]
Aadris: who ever knew we would end up still close?
Henry: I know right, [he gets serious] I …… I
Aadris: what is it [laughs]
Henry: Aadris…..
Aadris: ………
Henry: I….. I remembered something
Aadris: yes, [laughs]
Henry: you owe me
Aadris: no, no you are the one who decided to bribe Chase
Henry: yes, but we both came here
Aadris: oh please Hen be a gentleman besides I’m teaching you
Henry: oh really, I don’t need your teachings. Okay can you at least buy me a shawarma?
Aadris: oh now I see, this was about you wanting a shawarma not what you said
Henry: ……… [Smiles]
Aadris: two shawarmas please
Waiter in a shawarma truck: two shawarmas coming right up
They were walking back to the gate of park slowly as they ate them
Henry: we need to talk about Chance you remember what we did
Aadris: what we did, what WE did, Henry it was your doing, all you
Henry: I thought I apologised
Aadris: oh please, why don’t you just date her anyway?
Henry: who? Are we talking about the same person here?
Aadris: you could have just walked out you know
Henry: I’ve been doing that for years now, it does nothing
Aadris: ………..
Henry: by the way how was the kiss?
Aadris: [gives him an eye] really Henry no, no, no, we’re not discussing that
Henry: [laughs] okay fine.
They had a great time together and later Melody and Chase came to pick them up. They went out together for dinner.
It’s a new week, a Monday morning they prepare for class. Aadris says bye to her reciprocal who also leaves to visit Arth. Aadris is sited in class and Henry comes
Henry: Aadri, morning
Aadris: morning [looks at him putting his bag and sitting next to her]
Aadris: aahhh Hen your sit is right there not here
Henry: remember we lied to Chance
Aadris: ………. Oh God
Then there is a new guy in school, most girls admire him
Henry: finally someone to keep Chance busy
Aadris: he’s cute
Henry: hey snap out of it I’m sure he’s just some freak
Aadris: no, he’s new
Henry: Aadri today remember we’re going for the party in Arth right
Aadris: yeah
[Lecturer walks in]
Henry: [whispers to himself] thank God
Henry feels threatened by the new guy in class since even Aadris seems to admire him.
Lecturer: seems we have a new comer, stand and introduce yourself to us
Guy: hi, my name is Joel I’m a transfer student from Oxford
Aadris: [whispers to Henry] he must be smart
Henry: or a freak
Lecturer: Joel, you’re welcome
Joel: thanks
Henry: I hate his everything, you know his shoe size is even disturbing [he makes a face]
Then Joel looks in Aadris’ direction and smiles while she smiles back too. Henry is irritated
Henry: look at his ugly teeth
Aadris: stop being a hater.
After class was over Aadris planned to stay back to say hi, but Henry pulled her and they left. While Chance remained talking to Joel.
There was a party in Arth for one of Melody’s friends and she invited the other three to attend. It was a fun night. Henry and Chase sat to talk while Aadris and Melody hanged out with some other female friends
Chase: what’s up mahn
Henry: that Joel…..
Chase: you’re still at that. Did you tell Aadris you have feelings for her?
Henry: no, it’s not that easy. She’s my best friend alright she’s like a sister we grew up together. But I tried I couldn’t I just changed the topic
Chase: you have it hard mahn.
After the great party they all returned home. The next day Joel walked up to Aadris and Henry
Joel: hey
Aadris: hi, Joel
Joel: you must be Aadris right
Aadris: well yes
Henry: she’s taken
Joel: what
Aadris: no, no, his joking. Hey Hen do you mind getting us some chairs please as in yours and mine. There no seats by our tables
Henry: [gives her an eye] okay
Aadris: thank you. [He leaves] so how are you finding the school?
Joel: Harvard isn’t so bad. I was wondering if we could chat a little more later tonight, I don’t know if it’s too soon
Aadris: no, it’s okay
Joel: great then. Would you mind writing your address here and your number?
Aadris: oh sure [Chance was watching from a distance. Henry came while Joel just walked out]
Henry: what’s going on?
Aadris: we’re just going out for dinner, just hanging out
Henry: with him
Aadris: yes, he’s not a bad person Hen don’t worry
Later on Chance and Joel met again at a private place.
Chance: well
Joel: you were right they’re not together and we’re going out tonight
Chance: I knew it! I know those two like the back of my hand, you know your role
Joel: yes, date her so you have Henry, then dump her
Chance: good. Serves her right
Joel: hey one last……. You know
Chance: I paid you already
Joel: you said there’s extra for a job well done
Chance: fine! [They kissed]
Later on as planned Joel and Aadris go out while Melody remains home. They go to a really nice restaurant and sit by a lonely table where they eat and have a great time together.
Joel: so tell me about your dating life
Aadris: well, I don’t have any story to tell
Joel: [laughs] what, such a great girl like you are, you have never dated
Aadris: [laughs] yes
Joel: what about Henry
Aadris: he’s like a brother to me we grew up together
Joel: I see, guess I have a chance then
Aadris: what
Joel: do you believe in love at first sight
Aadris: well……. I don’t know
Joel: I do. Aadris when I just saw you my heart skipped a beat
Aadris: [laughs]
Joel: I’m telling you, please let me prove myself
Aadris: wait, you’re serious
Joel: [makes a serious face] yes, Aadris I want you
Aadris: ……….
Joel: [gets up and pulls her by her hand to stand] Aadris please
Aadris: I don’t know
Joel: how about I give you time to think about it
Aadris: okay
Joel: it’s getting late let me take you home
Aadris: okay [he pecks her on the forehead]
He takes her home. Aadris tells Melody about it and asks for her advice because she doesn’t know what to do. Melody just advises her to follow her heart so she also decides to talk to Henry about it on their usual Thursday.
Henry: Aadri I feel you should deny
Aadris: why, Henry he’s not that……
Henry: I mean you guys just met once and he’s saying that
Aadris: he seems like a nice guy
Henry: well I don’t like him
Aadris: as a best friend you’re supposed to be happy for me
Henry: what’s there to be happy about huh?!!!!!
Aadris: why are you acting like this?
Henry: he’s not always been there for you, I have and you want to give him a chance!!!!!!!
Aadris: Henry but I like hi…….
Henry: you still don’t get it!! Aadris I love you!
Aadris: WHAT!!! No
Henry: I ………
Aadris: for how long
Henry: since we were kids
Aadris: why, I know you’re just saying that so I reject him
Henry: no I’m not
Aadris: how on earth do you expect me to believe that?
Henry: …………. I wanted to tell you at the park but I couldn’t I knew you would say this
Aadris: but I don’t like you in that way
Henry: I knew that too
Aadris: I don’t want to lose my best friend, please. I have to go
Henry: I’m sorry Aadris
Aadris: ………. [Just walks away]
Henry: [screams out to her] think about it carefully don’t respond in a rush
Aadris reaches home feeling so drained. She tells Melody about it and cries.
Aadris: I feel like I just buried a brother
Melody: [speechless] Sorry Aadris.
She begins avoiding Henry, she never picks up his calls, replies to his texts, have Thursday outings or even sit near him.

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