Chapter 4

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Henry arrives at Joel’s house and bangs on his door.
Joel: Chance, get out!! I said I’m not doing errands for you anymore!! [Henry bangs again]
Joel: I don’t care about your payments anymore!!! Get the fuck out! [Henry bangs then Joel opens]
Henry immediately pounces on him and starts to beat him up so hard. He punches him on his head so hard till he bleeds from his nose. Joel hits him back, but Henry is so mad such that he had so much energy and finally knocked him down badly.
Henry: did you get all you wanted huh?!!!! [Punches him]
Joel: I’m sorry manh!
Henry: I knew you were a fuck up!!
Joel: it was all Chance’s idea!! [They all stand up]
Henry: oh yeah! The rubbish errands you’re talking about?!!!
Joel: yeah, it’s all her doi……..
Henry: [slaps him] BUT YOU ARE A PART OF IT FREAK!!!
Joel: I’m sorry [lowers his voice]
Henry: [lifts him by his shirt and puts him against the wall] if I ever see you near my Aadri EVER!! I will break you!! [Chase, Melody and Aadris arrive]
Aadris: Hen just let him be he’s not worth the time
Joel: Aadris I……
Aadris: oh shut the hell up!!!
Henry: it was all Chance’s idea she made him do it to split us
Melody: oh that hooligan!!! If I get my hands on her!! [Squeezes her fists in anger]
Chase: manh! I’ve never seen such jealousy
Henry: [lets him go] watch your back and always keep one eye open [he moves back]
[The four leave]
They arrive back at Aadris’ house.
Henry: should that good-for-nothing come here just call me
Chase: or me
Aadris: guys I can handle myself
Melody: says the girl who was crying
Aadris: hey, I was feeling heart broken
Chase: are you okay
Aadris: apart from feeling used, I’m okay
Henry: now that I think about it his shoe….
Aadris: oh please Hen
All: [laugh]
The next few days continue smoothly. The four (Tessa and the three) tried their very best keeping Aadris happy and to never give her a moment feel low even for a minute. About three weeks later they opened school and were all now in their final year except for Tessa who was at another university though it was still within town. Everything was back to normal Joel transferred schools and Chance started minding her own business and focused only on her friends. She used to work alone though when scheming against Aadris. The year went so fast and they were nearly graduating. Every school president has a chance to give a final speech in the broadcasting room to the whole school via microphone.
Henry: Good morning comrades, friends and Harvard family. It is a bright morning the birds are tweeting and the sun is beautiful today. I had the great privilege and honour of being your president this year [the three friends were listening so was the entire school]. My four years haven’t been easy it’s being hard but I managed. With the help of good company around me, childhood friendship has led me this far. The advice I can give you all is find the right friends that will build, support and protect you through and through no matter what not those that just want to use you. One last advice I can give you is that failure in school is normal, don’t give up no matter what, it’s like a bow and arrow, to shoot the arrow further away you have to pull it backwards and then it shoots so far and quick. It is a lesson, a stepping stone and a mistake trying to make you see what you did wrong. Generally failure and mistakes in life are just like that. The greatest people in life made it because they never gave up. Do not just aim high for the sky, but aim beyond the stars. We are a family let’s build this school, let’s build our country, let’s build our continent and expand it till we build our world. Like our motto we are Harvard the future of tomorrow [everyone cheered feeling motivated and a few shed some tears]. If you are lost or feel lost it’s not too late to change, thank you [they cheer]. Now I want to talk about someone in my life whom I cherish. I have watched you grow and you have watched me grow to who I am. You have been a part of my life since I was three, you have built me and taught me how to live and especially love. You believe in me so highly and you make me a better Henry that’s why I love you so much with my all. I will wait for you for as long as it takes I just ………….. [Aadris walked into the broadcasting room and pulled him out and kissed him. People cheered, Chase and Melody are excited while Chance of course walked away. Then afterwards the four of them hugged each other]
Melody: I’m happy for you guys
Henry: finally….
Aadris: shh….. say one more word I’ll change my mind
Chase: Melody, we can leave now our job here is done. Henry great speech
Henry: thanks manh
Henry and Aadris spent every free time they had together. Of course sometimes they would meet as couples; Chase and Tessa, Melody and Thomas who was from earth. They had their graduation which was a blast and Aadris was chosen to give the speech.
Aadris: I’m not so good at speeches, but here it goes. Most things were said by Henry a few weeks ago. I’ll focus on my story, life has taught me a lot about family, friends and enemies. At the end of everything we’ll know who to trust and who not to trust. This school is fun and great, it has many lessons let’s all keep being brave for tomorrow we lead. I thank all our guardians for the full support they give us all and gave us the graduates since we started. We love you and thank you. Harvard …….
The whole school responds: future leaders of tomorrow
Aadris: thank you. [Everyone cheers]
The graduates then all jump and celebrate it’s a happy moment. Henry’s and Aadris’ parents meet up after a long, long time of not seeing each other because they are mostly busy. They all accept and bless Henry and Aadris for being together and succeeding academically. Chase’s parents and Melody’s parents came too while Tessa already had her graduation a few days ago which the four all attended. They look forward to the future.

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