Chapter 6

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Henry: argh!!! [Hits the things on a table]
Chance: darling ……..
Henry: [grabs her roughly by her neck and squeezes] now you see what you caused huh?!! Are happy now! You witch! [He walks away]
Chance: ………… [Just holds her neck]
Aadris goes to Melody’s house with her bags crying.
Thomas: Aadris?
Aadris: [cries] Tom ……
Thomas: [helps carry her bags] get in

Thomas: [they sit on the couch] what happened?
Aadris: Henry cheated on me [cries]
Thomas: [surprised] Henry?? Are you sure?
Aadris: Chance is pregnant for him [cries]
Thomas: Ch…….. Chance?! Is he out of his mind!
Aadris: ………….. [Cries. Melody walks in]
Melody: honey I’m home!
Thomas: come to the living room honey!
Melody: [she walks towards the room] what are you doing………
Melody: [excited] OH MY GOD!!! AADRIS!! [Runs to her to hug her in excitement and notices her crying]
Melody: [looks worried] are you crying, what happened
Aadris: ……….. [Fails to respond]
Thomas: Henry cheated on her
Melody: [in shock] Henry? As in Henry
Thomas: yes Henry, Chance is pregnant for him
Melody: [gets serious] oh so Chance did this?!
Aadris: ……. [Cries]
Meody: I've had enough of this b****!

Melody walked out and drove to Henry’s house. She banged at the door.....
Chance: Aadris, I’m certain that’s you will you stop banging my door!! [She opens the door]
Chance: [smiles] oh hi Melody
Melody: …………. [Slaps her so hard and painfully]
Chance: [she holds her cheek] HOW DARE YOU…………. [Melody slaps her again on the other cheek]

Chance: Henry darling call 911 we have an assault here
Henry: [comes] Melody, thank God listen.........
Melody: ……….. [Slaps him too] now the both of you listen, the next time I step on this door it will be to assault you!! [She goes]
Henry: ……………….

Chance: [cries] Henry
Henry: …… [Just walks away towards his room]
Chance: Henry [she pulls his hand]
Henry: …………. [Pushes her and she falls down]
Chance: I'm carrying your child for goodness sake! Be a little gentle!
Henry: I don't give a sh** about that b**** you're carrying. Once it's out you're out. So until then don't you dare come near me or I'll kill it!!

Melody: Aadris, listen tomorrow you go to that house and get a divorce
Aadris: [with shaking voice] I already called my lawyer
Thomas: [brings some tea] here’s something to warm you up.
Aadris: thank you.
Thomas: [still surprised] Henry would do such a thing.

The next day Aadris goes to Henry’s house to take the divorce papers......
Chance: oh Henry we have an unwanted guest, Aadris [laughs]
Henry: [runs to the door] Aadris, Aadris..........
Aadris: you need to sign these I’ll be back for them
Henry: [takes them and looks at them] Aadris you want to leave me…….
Aadris: please hurry doing that
Chance: let me get a pen [leaves excitedly]
Henry: I don’t want……
Aadris: whether you like it or not sign them, I’ll be back to get them
Henry: ……………. [Feels sad while Aadris leaves]

Chance: [comes back] here you go, where’s she? She would have gone with them
Henry: ………. [Just looks at her, ignores and goes in]

Later in the evening Tan, the guy she slept with calls, so she goes into the bathroom hiding from Henry.
Tan: where’s my money?
Chance: relax give me two days I’ll bring it
Tan: okay then
Chance: and please don't call me until I call you [line cut].

The next morning Chance tells Henry she needs money to do some shopping for the baby. He gives money to her. Henry ignores Chance he doesn’t even talk to her. When she cooks he won’t eat he eats out and always comes back late. He just always has flashbacks of him and Aadris, Aadris also has flashbacks. As promised, Chance leaves the house to go and pay Tan for the job done while Henry stays home alone. There’s a knock at the door......

Henry: Aadris…...
Aadris: I’m not here to talk, I just want the papers.
Henry: at least come in this is our home....
Aadris: oh save it! Stop wasting my time my lawyer needs those papers
Henry: okay, come in as I check for them
Aadris: [feels bad] no I’m never stepping my foot in there.
Henry: okay then I’ll be back [he sees them on a table by he's bed, a few minutes later he returns]
Henry: I left them at my office let's go we get them
Aadris: I hope they’re signed [they drive out]

Henry: Aadris I don’t want to do this
Aadris: just give me the papers
Henry: I can’t find them [checks his drawers]
Aadris: HENRY!! I have no time to waste!
Henry: I’m sorry when I find them I’ll send them over I promise, I'm sure Chance has something to do with it.
Aadris: okay then.
Henry: can we talk?
Aadris: ……… [Just walks out]

Chance sees Aadris coming out of Henry’s work place, she is parked outside inside her car.
Chance: that Aadris! [She thinks] yeah [smiles and drives off].

A few hours later Aadris begins to feel weak she goes to Thomas’ house but no one is home. She recalls Melody saying she went to visit her mother in Arth so she goes there. As time ticks away she gets weaker, she goes to Melody’s parent’s house but they aren’t there. She finds one of her old friends...........

Alex: Aadris hi I was actually coming to see you
Aadris: Alex, how are you? Oh really?
Alex: I’m okay, my husband did some accounting and needs a job so I was wondering if you could hire him
Aadris: sure, do you have his credentials?
Alex: can you join me for lunch so I can introduce you to him and he can give them to you?
Aadris: oh okay sure. [They go for lunch]

Alex: okay Aadris meet my husband Mr ………
Aadris: Joel
Joel: hi, Aadris
Alex: [smiles] you know each other
Aadris: [her face changed] he was my schoolmate
Joel: [laughs] yes
Alex: oh wow okay then, honey I have to rush back for work. Aadris thank you I’ll see you later then
Aadris: no need, just remembered I have a couple of things to do I'll come later.
Alex: what no, it'll only take like five minutes please Aadris: [sighs] okay.
Alex: thank you. [She goes]
Aadris: oh great.
Joel: I’m sorry for all I did to you…..
Aadris: just sign these papers please
Joel: [laughs] well I see, straight to business huh? [He signs]
Aadris: okay then that will be it, work starts next week Monday you'll be working here in Arth [stands]
Joel: Aadris wait, before you go can I just talk to you for five minutes please?
Aadris: don’t worry, I won’t tell her anything.....
Joel: no, that’s not what I want to talk to you about
Aadris: what?
Joel: I just want to apologize that’s all, I’m sorry Aadris. Look you are a really nice person that’s why Chance is jealous of you and Henry loves you a lot.
Aadris: I forgot about that already, I forgave you
Joel: thank you, let me buy you a drink we catch up on stuff you know.
Aadris: no I can’t drink.
Joel: come on.
Aadris: no as in I’m not turning you down, I just can't.
Joel: oh wow! [Excited smile] congratulations
Aadris: why are you......
Joel: don't worry I understand. How about juice then? Aadris:........
Joel: please
Aadris: [nods]
Joel: thank you [low]
They chat for about an hour...... 

Joel: you don’t seem happy what’s wrong?
Aadris: nothing, listen I gotta run we’ll talk later
Joel: okay then.

Joel notices there’s something wrong with her and decides to find out while Aadris continues feeling weak as she looks for Melody.

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