Chapter three

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It’s been two weeks since Aadris and Henry stopped communicating. This time they would just stare at each other and they were both looking low.
Melody: Aadris listen, I have to leave for a few days I have things to attend to
Aadris: no problem I understand besides it will give me more time to study for my exams
Melody: and work things out with Henry, [Aadris makes a face] you guys are study partners
Aadris: whatever
Melody: I’m serious okay
Aadris: okay
[Melody leaves while Aadris remains studying]
A few hours later Aadris sees something she hates doing but Henry enjoys while Henry also finds some trouble with something. Aadris goes to Henry’s place, she arrives at the door and begins to doubt whether she should knock or not. While still there debating Henry opens the door holding a bag pack.
Henry: Aadris I ………
Aadris: [with tears] I miss my best friend, I miss my childhood brother, I miss study partner and I miss Hen
Henry: Aadri…… [He hugs her] I’m sorry
Aadris: I’m sorry too I actually need your help with something
Henry: same, I was actually on the way to your house
Aadris: okay you can go there and I’ll stay here then problem solved
Henry: [laughs] really
Aadris: [laughs] let’s go in. [They sat by a table]
Aadris: you know I hate this
Henry: [laughs] yep, well today you’ll like it
They continue to work together till its dawn
Aadris: Hen, I want to accept Joel
Henry: give him a chance then, but if his a fuck up, you know where to find me
Aadris: [laughs] of course
While in Arth Melody was watching and smiled then she frowned when she saw what Chance and Joel were doing
Melody: oh my!! What can I do……. [She looks for Chase]
Chase: Mell now what
The next day Aadris goes to Joel’s house to give him the response.
Joel: wow, my queen came to see me, you could have just called, I would have come to you
Aadris: were you busy
Joel: no, come in. Some juice
Aadris: yeah thanks
Joel: you’ve being ignoring me
Aadris: I’m so sorry a lot has been going on lately. I came to respond to your request
Joel: finally, well
Aadris: yes, I will go out with you
Joel: ohh yesssss!!! [He carried her and turned around] are you busy today
Aadris: no
Joel: great, just wait here let me freshen up
Aadris: okay
While in his room he calls Chance to spread the good news. She also freshens up to visit Henry. Joel and Aadris have the best time at their first date at the end of it they kiss. While
Chance: hey Henry [she tries to walk inside]
Henry: [pushes her] what do you want
Chance: Henry I came to keep you company
Henry: I don’t need it [he slams the door and screams out to her] I’m busy just leave!!
Chance leaves.
It’s been a month now and they’re done with their exams. The reciprocals all returned some weeks earlier. Melody was happy for Aadris who followed her heart and Joel would go visit a lot.
Aadris: would you just hang on let me change
Joel: no problem
Melody: so how’s life going?
Joel: just perfect she’s fantastic
Melody: of course she is [Henry arrives]
Joel: hey manh
Henry: hey, listen here, I’m only cool with you because you are with Aadris otherwise
Melody: okay, how are you
Henry: great, how is her melodiness
Melody: oh please I’m okay
Henry: where is she?
Melody: getting dressed
Henry: okay
Aadris: oh Hen you’re here
Henry: yep
Aadris: Melody at least you have company
Henry: what
Joel: Dris I’ll be in the car
Aadris: okay. Melody I’ll be…..
Henry: Aadri what’s going on?
Aadris: I’m going out for a date
Henry: today is Thursday
Aadris: yes I know
Henry: you know……..
Aadris: oh, sorry I forgot
Henry: you forgot, even the past four Thursdays you forgot
Aadris: how about tomorrow [Joel honked outside]
Henry: ………… Just go
Aadris: I’ll make it up to you I promise [she leaves]
Henry: I really hope he doesn’t break her heart
Melody: do you still…..
Henry: yes I still love her, but I guess we’ll never be together
Melody: ………….
Henry: Chase says I have to move on, I can’t I have tried
Melody: don’t worry
Aadris: this is great, it’s been a while since we went out. You’re always just passing by my house once in two or three days to just say hi and that’s it
Joel: I’ve been busy
Aadris: with what exactly
Joel: just stuff
Aadris: stuff like wha……
Joel: just let it rest
Aadris: wow okay, you seem to be in a bad mood. Is it why you called me to cheer you up? [Smiles]
Joel: Henry, all the time I thought I told you to avoid him
Aadris: Joel seriously come on, I rarely see him besides you’re always keeping me busy
Joel: just remembered why I called you here, I need to go home for some things I’ll be back soon
Aadris: well okay
Joel: cool let’s go
Aadris: where [smiles]
Joel: home
Aadris: your…..
Joel: no I’m dropping you off
Aadris: but we’ve only spent like thirty minutes here
Joel: I need to start packing I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning
Aadris: I can help you…..
Joel: don’t worry, I’ll manage
Aadris: okay [They leave]
Henry: you’re back already
Aadris: he just wanted to spend the last few minutes with me he’s going home
Melody: aww
Henry: finally
Aadris:  Hen
Henry: relax at least I now like his shoe size
Aadris: where’s Chase
Melody: with Tessa at the usual restaurant
Aadris: okaayyyy…..
Henry: yep she finally said yes
Aadris: so cute
They spend the next three weeks together, sometimes Chase would join other times Tessa would come too. She is from earth.
Aadris: I kinda miss school, holidays are boring
Melody: we can go to Arth
Aadris: still it changes nothing
Melody: hey how about Joel
Aadris: argh, we haven’t talked in a while
Melody: what, why
Aadris: maybe he’s busy as always. Whatever it is he does
Melody: I have an idea, why don’t you and I go to Joel’s favourite restaurant to have fun it will cheer you up
Aadris: yeah, and we can get to peek on Chase and Tessa
Melody: yeah! [Excited]
Aadris: won’t they notice us
Melody: oh yeah [mood ruined] unless, we disguise ourselves
Aadris: oh yeah!!!
They excitedly prepare and go to the restaurant. They find a perfect spot far away from them as they watch and laugh.
Melody: hmm that couple there seems to be having a blast
Aadris: which one
Melody: behind you [Aadris turns]
Aadris: [laughs] oh yeah [turns back]
Aadris: wait a second [she turns again]
Melody: what is it?
Aadris: what the….. [She stands up looking angry]
Melody: Aadris
Aadris: [walks to the table while Melody follows] JOEL!!!!!!!
Melody: oh my……….
Joel: [stops] Dris
Melody: Chance
Joel: it’s over!!
Aadris: ARE YOU CRAZY!!!
Chance: everybody calm dow…..
Aadris: [slapped her] you shut that slutty mouth!! As for you it’s over!!!
Melody: ingrates!!
Aadris: Melody let’s go [They leave]
Chance: you blew it
Joel: oh, please shut that slutty mouth
Chance: fix this
Joel: payment first
Chance: are you nuts
Joel: I’m done, bye
Chance: argh!
Tessa: oh did you just see that
Chase: is that, can we go
Tessa: besides my dad was calling, you take care of that
Chase: okay.
Melody: it’s okay at least we figured it out before it was too late
Aadris: [cries] I can’t believe this [Chase storms in]
Chase: are you alright
Melody: how…
Chase: Tessa saw it first
Melody: that crap!
Chase: Joel will pay
Aadris: just let him be
Henry: Aadri, are you crying what’s wrong
Melody: you’re here
Chase: I called him
Henry: what happened?
Aadris: Joel and I just broke up
Henry: why
Chase: first are you calm
Henry: yeah, what’s going on?
Melody: Joel and…
Chase: are you really calm
Henry: yeah [laughs]
Melody: we saw him kissing Chance at the restaurant
Henry: …………..
Chase: did you hear what she said……….
[Henry storms out of the house]
Aadris: Henry, Henry!
Chase: [runs outside and comes back in] he drove out cruising.

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