time for fun?

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The rest of the day was like the morning but a lot less dramatic but once that bell went it wasn't over for Jason, Hope and Will they still had an hour worth of detention which was extremely boring they just sat there listening to Mrs Thomas going on about how they shouldn't be late.

Mrs Thomas: Now you guys know how I hate it when your late, so I hope you have an explanation!

Wil: We actually do.

Hope: We do?

Wil: yes, so what happened is they picked me up at 8:15 like they always used to but when we were half way here I got a call from my mum saying that I had forgot by Nasal Tube, personally I was willing to spend the day with out it but you know my mum she worries about everything so we had to go back.

Mrs Thomas: Is this true Jason?

Jason: Of course it is you know Will he never lies.

Mr Thomas: Yes I do know Wil and he lies all the time, so to make sure your not lying.

All the kids looked at each other knowing that Wil was lying and they were a bit worried about what the consequences will be!

Mrs Thomas: Hey, is this Wil's mum?

Will's mum: yes is Wil ok, did something happen, please tell me the same thing happened again.

Mrs Thomas: Yes Wil's ok, no nothing happened and no he's not dead in the science room! I can ensure you that if anything did happened you would be the first to know.

Wil's mum: Thank god! what's going on?

Mrs Thomas: Well as you may or may not know Wil alongside his friends are in detention for being late.

Wil's mum: no I didn't know but I will be having a word with him later.

Mrs Thomas: anyway I'm calling you to see if you can confirm their excuse for being late... Did Wil happen to forget his Nasal tube at home this morning?

Wil's mum: No he didn't

Mrs Thomas: Oh I see.

Wil's mum: Can you please let him off?

(Mrs Thomas walks out the room)

Mrs Thomas: You know I can't do that I promised him that I wouldn't treat him the same!

Wil's mum: It's different now I don't think we have long...

Mrs Thomas: Oh no...I think I can make a pass I'll tell him that you confirmed that his lie was the truth, And also I think we should meet to talk about his condition so that we as a school know.

Wil's mum: That would be lovely.

Mrs Thomas: And if you ever need someone to talk to as a friend about all of this please come to me I know how hard it must be for you.

Wil's mum: That means a lot to me thank you, I'll come in tomorrow to talk to you.

(Mrs Thomas ends the call and walks back into the classroom)

Mrs Thomas: Thank you Wil for telling the truth.

Wil: You see I never lie!

Mr Thomas: Ok you guys at the end of the day you were still late so you'll stay and finish today but for the rest of the week I'll let you off but only because the reason could be a matter of life or death!

They finished their hour of detention and went back to Wil's house so that he could find something decent to wear.

Wil: (Walking through the front door with Jason and Hope) I'm home!

Wil's mum: oh hey honey.

Wil: I'm going out in a bit just came home to change.

(they go up to Wil's room)

Jason: Bloody hell Wil this place looks more like a hospital every time we come here.

Wil: tell me about it it's so annoying! I have nothing to wear except this...

Hope: You look fine plus Katie understands!

Wil: Yeah stuff it let's go.

And that's what they did they picked up Katie and went to six flags. They had so much fun and went on so many rides from the biggest roller coaster to the smallest one and Wil surprisingly was doing very well walking all around the park. To end the night they went on the ferris wheel.

Wil: I love it up here!

Katie: so do I.

Wil: I've had so much fun tonight, it's the most fun I've had in months!

Katie: so have I, you know it killed me knowing that you were in the hospital and I couldn't be there for you.

Wil: You know that being in the hospital isn't a big deal for me!

Katie: no I know but I still wanted to come but I didn't know if you wanted me there!

Wil: I wanted you there to...

Katie: well next time I will be there!

After talking a lot and making out a lot they went home.

Wil: mum I'm home.

Wil's mum: Ok, you feeling ok?

Wil: yeah. I'm gonna go to bed!

Wil's mum: Wil, Please take your pills.

(Will just did the usual-he held his thumb up sarcastically)

That night Wil went to bed happy for the first time in so long, he was back in school, and he had his girl back and he didn't have the detention he was meant to have. The next morning he woke up still feeling good he got up took his meds and went down stairs.

Wil: Morning.

Wil's mum: hey, I'll drive you to school this morning we have a meeting with Mrs Thomas and some other teachers.

Wil: what for?

Wil's mum: to talk about your health.

Wil: I've been going to the school for years they know everything!

Wil's mum: Wil you know things are different!

They then drove to school silently. When they arrived they walked side by side, Wil hated when his mum came to school he called the walk from the car to the office the walk of shame because walking with your mum was extremely shameful! While walking the 'walk of shame' they bumped into Katie!

Wil: Hey babe (kisses Katie),

Katie: hey, hey Mrs Newman, I'll see you later Wil got to go to class, see you soon Mrs Newman.

Wil's mum: You didn't tell me that you got back together with Katie.

Wil: you didn't ask...

Mrs Thomas: Wil, Mrs Newman nice to see you.

Wil's mum: and you, thanks for arranging this!

Mrs Thomas: It's no problem we as a school do think it's very important.

Wil: I don't...

Wil's mum: Wil!

Wil: When are you going to understand that I'm dying and nothing that will be said in there will change that.

(awkward silent)

Mrs Thomas: Shall we go in?

Wil's mum: yeah let's go. come Wil.

In the meeting they talked all things Wil from his education to his illness but Wil sat there with his feet on the table and his arms crossed looking as miserable as ever! He hated these meetings and hoped that he would never have to go to another one...

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