From now on it will be based on Stella.
Stella's life isn't easy either she also has CF but unlike Wil she handles her illness very well, she always sticks to the rules and does her meds with out needing anyone to remind her to do it or force them down her throat. But life was a bit easier for Stella than it is for Wil, she was on the list for new lungs and had 2 parents that loved her so very much. Stella did have 2 best friends their names were Erin and Maya and they to had been there for her through everything they visited her in hospital waited for her while she was in surgeries, supported her through her parents divorce, and they helped her get through the passing of her sister Abby.
Stella: I honestly can't wait for our trip it's gonna be so much fun!
Erin: Me two, I'm so glad you get to come this year.
Stella: O my god, same! I always get so jealous when you go!
Maya: Well you don't need to this time!
Stella: You know what we should do...
Erin: What?
Stella: Let's go shopping.
Maya: OMG yes!
Stella: I'll ask my mum to drive us...(shouting) mum com here please!
Stella's mum: (runs up stairs and into Stella's room) What? are you ok?
Stella: Yeah I'm fine, can you please drive us to the mall?
Stella's mum: yeah sure, I'll go get the car.
And that's what they did, they went to the mall and they shopped until they dropped! They went round various different stores buying all kinds of clothes for their upcoming holiday. Shopping was very tiring for everyone but especially for Stella so they went to a Starbucks to get a drink.
Erin: We are gonna look so sexy in our matching bathing costumes!
Maya: Yeah but I still think the bikinis would have been better!
Stella: You know I won't wear a bikini!
Maya: Why? Your thin enough for it.
Stella: I know I am that's one of the problems, I'm to thin, I'm covered in scars and bruises, and I have my g tube and you guys know that's not pretty!
Erin: Stella your beautiful you don't need to hide anything.
Stella: thank you, if it was just us I would but there'll be boys there and other girls so I'll be fine in our beautiful bathing suites!
Maya: Anyway, moving on I heard that Sam has a crush on you, and that he's going to make a move when we're on the plane!
Stella: Oh my god! Where did you hear that?
Maya: Valarie told me!
Stella: Guys, what if something happens between us...
Erin: What do you mean?
Stella: I've never done it before...
Erin: WHAT? really.
Stella: Well are you really that surprised? I've never had a boyfriend I basically live in the hospital half of the time and when I'm not I'm with you...
Maya: True but this means that this holiday will be the perfect time for you to live a little to see things and to do this so I say that if things do happen between you and Sam you should just go for it!
Erin: I totally agree!
Stella: You know what you right I do need to live a little but not to crazy because I still have to do my treatments and follow my day to day to do list!
Maya: We know, we know we wouldn't dare to brake your schedule!
(Stella play slaps Maya)
After finishing their coffee they went home early because they had school the next morning. That night Stella finished some undone homework and had dinner with her mum! Since her parents got divorced things wasn't easy for her and her family but they got through it like they always did! The next morning Stella woke up at 7:00am like she always did she made her bed, got changed to s lovely yellow dress, took her meds all 15 of them, she wrote her long list of things to do that day and made sure her room was perfectly tidy! For breakfast she had her usual oatmeal with yoghurt before she had to leave! That morning she had a ride from her mum and they talked and talked about everything but mostly Stella's upcoming holiday.
Stella's mum: Are you excited for your holiday?
Stella: You have no idea!
Stella's mum: Stella, are you sure your lungs are up for travelling?
Stella: Yes mum, I've got the ok from doctor Hamid and I've been so good lately with no hospital stays in almost six months! For once in my life I'm in a good place even though I'll always be sick I actually feel well for once!
Stella's mum: Well I'm so glad you feel like this but if anything changes please tell me and promise that you'll be careful when you go we don't want anything bad happening to you, you know like...
Stella: Abby, yeah I know I won't mum I promise! I've always been extra careful like you taught me to be!
Stella's mum: Anyway honey have fun today...
Stella: What in school? will do mum, love you bye!
Stella was right on time for school she was a perfect straight A student her homework was always on time and she was always on top of her work. She even managed to have a perfect attendance with out even being in the building sometimes, you see even when she was in the hospital she did her school work online over face time! it's fair to say she really was the perfect student!
Mrs Williams: Good morning class...before you start talking I'm going to do the register (she does the register and then the class talks or do whatever they want).
Stella: So are you guys ready for prom?
Maya: Oh yes! I totally forgot that it's the last week and proms in 2 days it's really going to be great! my dress is so stunning!
Erin: so is mine! What about yours stell?
Stella: It's so pretty I love it so much! I can't wait!
With prom in 2 days and it being the last week of school for them emotions were high but everyone were excited! But would everything go to plan for Stella? Even though at the moment things were good for her, she didn't know because nothing never seams to go her way...
before, and after
RomanceThis is a story about what happened before Wil and Stella met in the hospital and what happen after.