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Writing Prompt: "You are the least subtle person I know. Your 'I have a secret' vibe is literally visible from the moon."

Written: April 17,2020

North hears sound from upstairs and is instantly alert. Nobody else is supposed to be here but him...

He soundlessly walks up the stairs and is shocked when he sees Sang quietly giggling while closing Luke's door.

Sang finally notices North's presence and jumps in out. "What are you doing here?", she squeaks out.

"I could ask you the same thing", North says, crossing his arms.

"I asked first", Sang argues. North continues to stare at her, and she finally relents. "Nunya", she tells him.

"What's that?", North asks her confused.

"Nunya business",Sang replies stubbornly.

"Sang...", North warns her.

"I don't even know what you think I was doing. Obviously I'm just here to chill with my favorite guys", Sang lies, trying to keep her face innocent.

"You are the least subtle person I know. Your 'I have a secret' vibe is literally visible from the moon", North tells Sang plainly.

"You're no fun", Sang pouts, sticking her lip out.

"Are you going to tell me what you were doing now?", North asks her, raising his eyebrow.

"I don't have to tell you", Sang said mischievously, "when I can just show you".

Sang then takes his hand and leads him behind the doorway. "Just wait", she whispers to him.

Luke walks through the hallway and to his room, unaware of North and Sang's presence. He walks inside his room and closes the door behind him.

"So what are we waiting for?", North asks confused.

"Shhh", Sang quickly shushes North, pointing at the door in silent amusement.

"What the f*ck kind of chocolate is this?!", Luke's loud exclamation sounds throughout the house.

"You gave him chocolate!", North scolds Sang.

Sang simply gives North a wide, amused grin and points to the door. "Why not we join Luke now? I think you'll quite like this type of chocolate", she tells him.

"Sure I will", North sarcastically mutters and opens Luke's door.

On Luke's dresser is a plate of chocolate bonbons and a note stating they're from Sang. Luke is beside it with a betrayed expression on his face and a half eaten treat.

"You fed me Brussels sprouts!", Luke accused Sang.

"Yup! That's what you get for dying Sprinkle's fur bright blue", Sang tells him smugly.

"You weren't supposed to find out about that", Luke pouts. "I thought Gabe said he got all of it out!".

North suddenly chuckles, "I can't believe you got Luke to eat vegetables! I wouldn't be surprised if that's the first healthy thing he's eaten since my last intervention".

"Don't worry North! This won't be a normal thing any time soon!", Luke tells him and starts peeling the chocolate off the Brussels sprouts to eat.

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